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If you add to much water then the soil will get soggy and mushy so that indecates that the plant overwatered and it is not getting enough sunlight or CO2 and when the soil is dusty dry then the plant is under watered.

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15y ago
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12y ago

It is harmful because transpiration is the process in which the plants lose their water. 99% of the water a plant gets is gone through transpiration. If the plants don't get enough water, the plants die.

Typed by a 6th grader

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15y ago

Excessive transpiration leads to water loss in plants which can lead to withering of the plant..

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11y ago

because mc donalds is a polluter

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Q: Why is excessive transpiration harmful to the plants?
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Where does water plants have stomata?

to prevent excessive water loss by transpiration

Does excessive transpiration cause wilting in plants?

Yes, excessive transpiration can cause wilting in plants. Transpiration is the loss of water vapor from a plant's leaves, and when this process occurs at a higher rate than the plant can absorb water from its roots, it can lead to dehydration and wilting.

What the water loss of plants is called?

Water loss from plants is called transpiration. This process involves the movement of water through a plant from the roots to the leaves, where it evaporates into the atmosphere. Transpiration helps plants cool down, but excessive water loss can lead to dehydration.

When is best time to transplant perennial plants?

The second half of rainy season and in the evenings so as to avoid excessive transpiration after transplantation.

What is it called when plants lose water through its leaves?


What is the loss of water from plants called?

Transpiration is water loss from plants.

What will happen to plants if there is no transpiration?

A plant can not have no stomata, some plants such as cacti have very little but still have some. Hypothetically if a plant had none it would die because plants need their stomata to take carbon dioxide in and let oxygen out.

Water can enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the leaves of plants in what process?

osmosis or The Water Cycle: Transpiration- evaporation from the leaves of plants

Is it true that transpiration is a process that occurs in plants and animals?

No. Plants carry out transpiration bu animals do not.

What do plants releases into the air during transpiration?

Plants release oxygen into the air during transpiration.

Where can you find transpiration on earth?

You can find transpiration on earth in or on, plants!

What is the function of a guard cell in plants?

The function of the guard cells are that they help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata thus preventing excessive water loss.