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Flooding is often beneficial to the overall health of an ecosystem because it replenishes soil and nutrients on the banks of where it floods.

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Q: Why is flooding sometimes beneficial to an ecosystem?
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What are the beneficial effects of flooding?

There are only a few beneficial effects of flooding. Flooding will hydrate areas that are normally pretty dry for example.

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How can flooding help the ecosystem?

it helps the ecosystem because it produces many types of resources! :)

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flooding may occur or sometimes flash flooding

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They're not. They don't care. They have the intelligence of a plant

How can flooding be beneficial for agriculture?

Floods are beneficial to agriculture because it carries deposits that makes soil fertile. It also can rid the land of any contaminates.

Describe the beneficial effects that flooding can have on a flood plain?

In some cases, it deposits fertile topsoil.

Affects of the consruction of dams on environment?

Flooding, perhaps clear-cutting to create operating room, sometimes they dig an alternate path for the water during construction, so lots of displacement of animal habitats and disruption of the ecosystem.

Why is a jar of water an ecosystem?

Because. It is ^ Lame answer, be ashamed, - A pond is a living ecosystem - plants, and beneficial bacteria that compliment and support each other!