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Copper brushes provided poor commutation as they moved from one commutator segment to the next. The cure was the introduction of 'high resistance brushes' made from graphite (sometimes with added copper). This 'high resistance' provided a gradual shift of current from one commutator segment to the next.

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Q: Why is graphite used to make electrical contacts in motors and generators?
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Continue Learning about Electrical Engineering

What is an electrical fitter?

Basically the service, maintainance and repair of many types of AC and DC motors, generators, and engine-like machinery.

What do electric generators and electric motors have in common?

Stator and rotor

What is the difference between electricmotor and generator?

Here are the main differences between an electric motor and an electric generator: Functionality: Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical or kinetic energy, whereas electric generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Usage: Electric motors are used in fans, mixers, washing machines, and other household appliances, whereas electric generators are used as power backup during outages, in construction sites, mining areas, and agriculture. Fleming’s Rule: Electric motors follow Fleming’s left-hand rule, whereas electric generators follow Fleming’s right-hand rule. Principle: The working principle of a motor is based on the current-carrying conductor, whereas the working principle of a generator is based on electromagnetic induction. Current: In motors, the current has to be supplied to armature windings, whereas in generators, armature windings produce current. EMF: Electric motors give out back EMF, whereas electric generators produce induced EMF.

What Purpose of electrical symbol?

Electrical symbols are used in electrical wiring diagram, signage on the electrical devices and motors

What electrical devices do you know?

Transformer Motors CT,PT Genrators these all are electrical devices

Related questions

What do generators and motors have in common?

Electric motors and generators are electromagnetic devices that are the opposite of each other. Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, while electric generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

What one converts electrical energy into mechanical energy that is used for work motors or generators?

Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to perform work, such as driving a fan or moving a vehicle. Generators, on the other hand, convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

The conversion of electrical energy in to mechanical energy?

Motors convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. Generators transfer mechanical energy to electrical energy.

How are both motors and generators examples of energy changing form?

Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce motion, while generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. In both cases, energy is changing from one form to another - from electrical to mechanical or vice versa.

What has the author David Penn Moreton written?

David Penn Moreton has written: 'Electric motors' -- subject(s): Electric motors 'Generators and motors' -- subject(s): Electric generators, Electric motors 'Practical applied electricity' -- subject(s): Electrical engineering, Electric engineering

Is engineering mechanics required in electrical engineering?

Of course. Many electrical applications involve mechanical devices such as circuit breakers, motors, generators.

What component of a motor changes the induced AC voltage into a pulsating DC?

The commutator is the moving part of the electrical switch in motors that reverses the current direction between the rotor and the external circuit. This is applicable in electrical motors and electrical generators.

Are coal and oil motors or generators?

They are neither. Coal is a fuel which can be used to run motors and generators.

What is an electrical fitter?

Basically the service, maintainance and repair of many types of AC and DC motors, generators, and engine-like machinery.

Are motors the same as generators?

No. No. No. No.

How are generators and motors similar?

Generators and motors both use electromagnetic principles to convert energy from one form to another. In a generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy, whereas in a motor, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. Both devices rely on the interaction between magnetic fields and conductors to operate.

What are the two things that require magnets to function properly?

Among other things, electric motors, generators, particle accelerators.