

Best Answer

The gravity is less on the moon than on Earth because the Earth has about

80 times as much mass as the Moon has.

The diameter of the Moon also affects it. If the diameter is bigger, that puts you

farther away from the center, and the gravitational force decreases.

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Q: Why is gravity on the moon a 6th of the gravity on earth?
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Does the moon have less gravity than the earth?

Yes, the gravity of the moon is 1/6th that of the Earth

How does the moon's gravity compared to earth?

Being smaller, the Moon's gravity is less than that of Earth.

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The moon's gravity is around 1/6th (or 17%) of the Earth's

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The Moon does have gravity! It is weak (just 1/6th of the Earth's) so the Moon has very little atmosphere.

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Less, about 1/6th of Earths.

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The moon's gravity is about 1/6th of Earth's.

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Because the moon's gravity is approximately 1/6th of that on Earth.