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Q: Why is international understanding necessary for the development of nation?
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What do you mean by national development of 10 class?

National development refers to the overall progress and advancement of a country economically, socially, and politically. In the context of a 10th class level, it could mean understanding how a nation's economy, infrastructure, education system, and social welfare programs contribute to its growth and well-being. Students might study the impact of government policies, international relations, and sustainable development practices on a country's progress.

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Belgium is considered a donor nation because it provides foreign aid to support development projects and assistance to countries in need. It contributes to various international organizations to help promote global development and poverty alleviation.

Do international and national have the same meaning?

No. National is within a nation. International is outside a nation.

Which space station launched to promote understanding and cooperation among astronauts and cosmonauts of different nation?

The International Space Station (ISS) And a point of note, it was not launched it was built up there.

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sImpact of sales force in economic development of a nation

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This nation, yes.

Do you spend to much on the military?

Spending on the military of a nation is necessary. Only economic development does not help a nation. No country can become a super power without an ultra-modern and a powerful military. --Swaroop Atnoorkar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

What does it mean by international?

The term international means between two nations. If you are at the international terminal of the airport it is because you are travelling from one nation to a different nation.

What is meant by international company?

An international company is a company that operates in another nation than their home nation. International companies can be in one or more countries.

What are the importance of community development planning to national development?

to aid the development of the nation

What is the difference between social infrastructure and economic infrastructure?

Infrastructure means the basic facilities which are necessary for the development of a nation. Economic infrastructure is the combination of basic facilities which is helpful in economic development of an economy and businesses. It includes facilities of telecommunication, electricity, transportation, energy etc. Social infrastructure is the combination of basic facilities which are necessary for human development. It includes health (hospitals), education (school, colleges etc.) and housing. Both of these infrastructures are complementary to each other and are necessary for the overall development of an economy.

Roles of a leader in nation building?

The role of a leader in nation building is crucial and multifaceted. A leader plays a central role in shaping the direction and development of a nation, and their actions and decisions can have significant impacts on various aspects of society. 1.Direction and Vision2.Policy making3.Governance and Administration 4.Economic Development. 5.Diplomacy and International Relations 6.Inspiration and Motivation