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As you go up the mountain,the altitude increases.Hence the temperature drops by 1 degree for every 166m increase in height(approximately) So it is cold.

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Q: Why is it always colder up a mountain?
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It's always colder up north. Michigan is up north. Good in summer. Bad in winter.

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The sun is about 93 million miles away. Going up a mountain so that you're a mile closer does nothing at all. The temperature is colder because air pressure at those elevations is lower, and these two variables are directly related.

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air is colder at night because it is colder outside so the air gets in your hause and no matter how hot it is, it will always be colder.

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At the top of the mountain you feel more colder than the normal temperature.

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it is usually colder the higher up you go so the top would be covered in snow while the base wouldn't be