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A large GDP indicates a higher revenue and increased production. Such GDP will boost or improve government expenditure and perhaps reduce taxation. Also in a well organized society or state, a large GDP can enhance economic activities resulting to


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Q: Why is it desirable for a country to have a large GDP?
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Can GDP be zero and if so what does that mean for the country with a zero GDP?

The GDP of a country - or even a large community - cannot be zero. Zero GDP implies that there is no output (goods or services), nobody spends anything (on things from inventories or imports), nobody earns anything.

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When it has a small population.

What is a country's GDP?

A country's GDP is the market-valued sum of all its economic activity.

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What is GDP par capita?

The GDP (gross domestic product) of a country divided by that country's population.

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The richest country in Europe is Germany by GDP, Liechtenstein by GDP per capita.

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if GDP grows faster than the population of a country, the per capita GDP will rise

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In 2012 its about 7.5% of the country's GDP

How does real GDP affect unemployment rate?

Real GDP is a measure of the economic output of a country. The absolute measure only tells you what that output was for a particular period. The more important measure for employment is the difference between real GDP and a theoretical real GDP which economists use to calculate the maximum output of an economy. When the gap between real GDP and maximum output GDP is large, the unemployment rate will be large and vice versa.

What is included in GDP and what is excluded from GDP?

GDP is the value of all the goods and services produced in the country in one year. Money earned outside of the country is not included.

What is GDP per capita used to measure?

The GDP per capita is used to measure a country's standard of living. It is calculated by dividing the country's GDP by its population, which better allows comparison of GDP between countries.