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There is more force exherted on the ball when you hit it if it goes faster. The slower the ball goes, the less force is applied so it doesnt go as far. Hope that helps, dude.

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Q: Why is it easier to hit a home run off a fast pitch than a slow pitch?
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What is the difference between slow pitch softballs and fast pitch softballs?

One is thrown slow and the other is thrown fast.

In mens softball how far is the pitchers mound to home plate?

50 feet for slow pitch softball, 46 feet for fast pitch.

Is there such a thing as a slow-pitch fast-pitch baseball bat?

There is a slow-pitch BASEBALL bat is more for Little League. A fast-pitch BASEBALL bat is mostly 10 and under or 12 and under or even 14 and under. There isn't a slow-pitch and a fast-pitch BASEBALL bat. Meaning they cant be morphed together.

How do you hit in slow pitch softball?

Technically you just do the same thing you do in fast pitch except you must be patient and not try to slam the ball. you keep your eye on the ball and when it gets about the right height then you hit it and run. it's easier to place the ball when you hit a slow pitch ball.

Are there different kinds of softballs?

Yes, there are two (fast-pitch and slow-pitch).

Do slow vibrations make a high pitch?

No, slow vibrations make a low pitch. Fast vibrations make high pitches.

What is the difference in running the basis in slow pitch vs fast pitch softball?

Well, apples=D

How can you break a slow pitch bat?

you can break a slow pitching by using the bat in a regular or fast pitching softball game.

Why is slow pitch softball preferred over fast pitch softball?

The ball goes slower and there is more offense in the game.

What is the sound pitch?

The Sound Pitch are the (Line) of the tone. You Can choose Slow pitch (slowly song/voice) medium pitch (etc...) and fast pitch (etc...). Hopes it helped.

Are ASA slow pitch batters out if they step on home plate after they hit the ball?


Do you pitch under hand in softball?

If your playing any kind of Womens softball then yes. But for mens softball, it matters what league your playing in. Some lay overhand slow itch, overhand fast itch, underhand slow pitch or underhand fast pitch. Check with a teamate or make sure what kinda of softball you are playing