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Mixture are different substance that are unreactive to each other. Thus when put together (no matter what are the states), they will still remain in their original chemical formula. They can be easily separated by methods such as filtration and distillation.

Compounds form when 2 or more substance reactive to each other are added. They create a bond and are tightly bounded to each other through this bond. To separate compounds, energy (may be in form of heat, or light etc etc) needs to be added to over come the strength of the bond. Thus more tedious methods (such as displacement and electrolysis) are used.

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12y ago
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2w ago

It is easier to separate atoms from a mixture because the components of a mixture are physically combined and can be physically separated using methods like filtration or distillation. In contrast, a compound forms chemical bonds between its atoms, which requires breaking these bonds to separate the atoms, making it more difficult.

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15y ago

because mixtures are not bound by any chemical means they just exist in a solution together. a compound is two or more substances bound chemically that cannot be separated by any simple physical means

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11y ago

A mixture contains different compounds in it. In order to separate the mixture, you only need to exploit the physical differences of the different compounds in it. e.g. boiling point, density.

A compound is made up of elements chemically bonded together - therefore, it requires a LOT of energy to break these bonds and so are hard to "separate".

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12y ago

well the answer is clearly...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,..............................,..........................................almost there..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

go find out yourself

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14y ago

In Mixtures atoms are not chemically bonded so it's easier to separate atoms from mixtures than compounds.

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9y ago

It is usually harder because you have to break chemical bonds to get different atoms from a compound.

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Q: Why is it easier to separate atoms from a mixture than from a compound?
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Why can a magnet separate separate iron atoms from the mixture but not from the compound?

A magnet can separate iron atoms in a mixture because the iron atoms are not chemically bound to other elements. In a compound, iron atoms are chemically bonded to other elements, making it difficult for a magnet to separate them due to the strong forces holding the atoms together.

Why is it easier to separate a mixture of iron and sulfur than to separate a compound of iron and sulfur?

It is easier to separate a mixture of iron and sulfur because the two substances retain their individual properties and can be physically separated by techniques like magnetism or filtration. In a compound of iron and sulfur, the atoms are chemically bonded, forming a new substance with different properties, making separation more challenging as it requires breaking chemical bonds through a chemical reaction.

Which one is mixture carbon dioxide silicon silicon dioxide or sand?

Sand is a mixture of silicon dioxide and small amounts of other minerals, but silicon dioxide itself is a compound made of silicon and oxygen atoms. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, is a separate compound made of carbon and oxygen atoms.

Is sucrose an element compound or mixture?

Sucrose is a compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. It is not an element or a mixture.

Is sulfur trioxide a mixture or compound?

Sulfur trioxide is a compound, not a mixture. It is a chemical compound composed of sulfur and oxygen atoms in a fixed ratio.

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A magnet can separate iron atoms in a mixture because the iron atoms are not chemically bound to other elements. In a compound, iron atoms are chemically bonded to other elements, making it difficult for a magnet to separate them due to the strong forces holding the atoms together.

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It is easier to separate a mixture of iron and sulfur because the two substances retain their individual properties and can be physically separated by techniques like magnetism or filtration. In a compound of iron and sulfur, the atoms are chemically bonded, forming a new substance with different properties, making separation more challenging as it requires breaking chemical bonds through a chemical reaction.

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Hope a fairy comes along 2 help you

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In a compound all the atoms are stuck together in a mixture they are not however

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Sand is a mixture of silicon dioxide and small amounts of other minerals, but silicon dioxide itself is a compound made of silicon and oxygen atoms. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, is a separate compound made of carbon and oxygen atoms.

Is sucrose an element compound or mixture?

Sucrose is a compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. It is not an element or a mixture.

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Water is a compound because its molecules are formed of chemically combined elements (hydrogen and oxygen) in a fixed proportion. A mixture is a combination of separate atoms, molecules, or particles that are not chemically bonded or in any fixed proportion.

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Sulfur trioxide is a compound, not a mixture. It is a chemical compound composed of sulfur and oxygen atoms in a fixed ratio.

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It is a mixture!! the atoms/elements are not chemically joined

When considering atoms what is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

A compound is a simple substance, a mixture is formed from two or more compounds.A mixture can be separated by physical procedures, a compound not.

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