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becasuse wounded to your skin

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Pasquale Wisozk

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Q: Why is it important for the artery to be buried deep inside the body?
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Related questions

What is the largest artery inside your body?


What is the most important artery in the body?

the aorta

List the body sites where the pulse is most easily palpated and name the artery which is able to be palpated at each body sit?

Caratoid artery (neck). Brachial artery (inner bicep). Radial artery (wrist). Femoral artery (inside of thigh). Pedial artery (foot)

What is the biggest most important artery in your body?

The aorta. The Superior and Inferior Vena Cavas are the biggest veins in the body. Hope this helps.

Why is the aorta so important and which chamber does it originate in?

The aorta is the largest artery in the body. It is important because it is the artery that distributes oxygenated blood to the body through circulation. It originates from the left ventricle of the heart.

What is the major artery of the body?

The major artery of the body is aorta.

What is a major artery of the body?

The major artery of the body is aorta.

What is the largest artery in your body?

The Aorta is the biggest artery in the human body

Why did they put beeswax in the mummies nostrils?

They did this so that when the buried the body no bug were able to go inside the body and eat it.

Who was buried inside of the great pyramid?

No body was evr found but it is thought to be the Pharaoh Khufu

Longest artery in body?

It is the superficial femoral artery that is the longest in the human body.

Important of the aorta artery?

The aorta is the main artery that oxygenated blood leaving the heart (or left ventricle) is pumped through to get to the rest of the body. Hope this helps.