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Q: Why is it important for governments to understand trade offs and opportunity cost?
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Which of the following best describes the relationship between trade-offs and opportunity costs?

opportunity cost are incurred when trade-offs are made

In what way are trade offs and opportunity costs alike?

Trade-offs and opportunity costs are alike in one main way. Perhaps you would make a trade-off in order to enjoy something that you wanted, and you may lose the opportunity to use this item if you do not make the trade-off.

Why it is important for students to study the slave trade?

It is important to study the slave trade so that future generations can understand the cruel inhumanity that people in the past practiced on each other so that we are not tempted to return to this type of behavior.

How trade-off and opportunity cost different?

The trade-offs and opportunity costs are different from an economic standpoint in the sense that trade-offs are situations where you give up one thing in favor of another.

How are trade-offs and opportunity cost different?

The trade-offs and opportunity costs are different from an economic standpoint in the sense that trade-offs are situations where you give up one thing in favor of another.

What is the relationship between trade and opportunity costs?

The relationship between trade offs and opportunity costs is that they both have to do with economics. A person has to make a choice that would have to sacrifice.

How are trade off''s and opportunity costs different?

The trade-offs and opportunity costs are different from an economic standpoint in the sense that trade-offs are situations where you give up one thing in favor of another.

What is another name for opportunity cost?

trade offs