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Living things have to maintain a stable environment to be able to function normally. If the internal conditions are not stable in the environment then the organisms can become sick and die.

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Q: Why is it important for living things to maintain a stable environment?
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How might an animal maintain a stable environment within its body to survie?

Animals can maintain a stable environment by living in groups. Animals also eat to keep a stable environment. The body design of most animals like fur also help regulate the environment.

Which characteristic of living things relates to stability?

the tendency to maintain temperature, for one is consistent among every living thing. as is internal pressure relative to the external environment. your question actually refers to homeostasis, which is the property of living things to maintain a stable internal environment relative to the external environment.

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The cell is unable to maintain a stable internal environment

What problem was the cell most likely having?

the cell was unable to maintain a stable internal environment.

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to maintain a stable environment

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it farts.

What happens when organism reproduce?

They maintain a stable internal environment.

What would happen if the membrane were completely made of polar substance?

The cell would be unable to maintain a stable internal environment.

What homeostasis is AND Why it is important?

It is the property of a system that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition of properties like temperature or pH.

Why it is so important that internal environment of the body remains stable?

to maintain supply of reactant's (e.g glucose) removal of product's (e.g co2,urea)

How does an organism maintain a stable internal temperature what is the process called?

The maintenance of a stable internal environment is called homeostasis.

Which term describe a organisms ability to maintain a stable internal environment?
