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Here is major reason that EM radiation needs to travel without medium: between the Earth and the Sun is considered a vacuum, therefore if EM radiation needed a medium to propagate then we would not receive the light from the sun, thereby ceasing alot of vital processes that occur on Earth as a result of interaction with light.

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Q: Why is it important that EM waves can travel without a medium?
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Can electromagnetic waves travel without a medium?

They do not need a medium.

What type of wave requires no medium to travel through?

Waves need not require medium to travel through. Only Mechanical waves like sound waves require medium to travel through. Electromagnetic waves travel in vaccum like light waves. Some waves transmitted in a medium due to disturbances in the medium .

What can travel through space without a(n) medium?

Electromagnetic waves can travel through space without a medium.

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Sound waves cannot travel without a medium. Therefore, any big explosions in space cannot be heard. Light waves can travel without a medium.

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Electromagnetic waves.

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Electromagnetic waves.

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Electromagnetic Waves can travel through space without any material medium.

Why do electromagnetic waves do not require medium for travel?

because electromagnetic waves transmit energy without compressing the particles of the medium

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Light waves do not need a medium to propagate. Sound waves cannot travel without a medium. Light waves always travel at the speed of light that is 3*108m/s.

Both sound waves and light waves travel through an opaque object?

Light waves cannot travel through an opaque object.Sound waves intensity is reduced drastically when it crosses an opaque object.Sound waves cannot propagate without a medium whereas light can travel without a medium of propagation.

Can sound waves travel without a meduim?

No. Sound waves must travel through a medium, such as air, liquid, or a solid.

What waves need a medium to travel in?

Mechanical waves need a medium to travel in