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In multicellular organisms, cell division must be carefully regulated to ensure that growth of the organism is coordinated, replacement of dead cells takes place in an orderly fashion, and repair of injured cells is initiated when needed. Cell division must also be halted when growth and repair are completed. Cell division is controlled by a variety of factors. One of the most important controls is carried out by molecules called growth factors.

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It must be regulated to ensure growth is coordinated, replacement of dead cells takes place, and repair of injured cells occurs

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Q: Why is it important that cell growth in a multicellular organism be regulated so carefully?
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Why is it important that cell growth in a multicellularur organism be regulated so carefully?


Why is it important that cell growth in a multi- cellular organism be regulated so carefully?

In multicellular organisms, cell division must be carefully regulated to ensure that growth of the organism is coordinated, replacement of dead cells takes place in an orderly fashion, and repair of injured cells is initiated when needed. Cell division must also be halted when growth and repair are completed. Cell division is controlled by a variety of factors. One of the most important controls is carried out by molecules called growth factors.

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No, bacterium is not a multicellular organism. C-money d-town Texas

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