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Q: Why is it important to be literate in today's economy?
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o you know...only the advancement of the human race

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Write it, the economy is irrelevant. If it is published, it will find a market

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From research it has stated that lexs sales haven't been effected much in todays economy. They admit it has been hard, but they are still above the red line.

What does it mean to be geographically literate and why is it important?

it is non of your bissiness

Why is geographically literate important?

Geographically Literate is important, because you 'll be able to read maps and other greographical things. Having geography knowledge is good, not only would you know how to read maps, but for those that have no clue what is greographically literate is you can teach them.

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E-commerce has impacted today's economy by offering a more convenient way to do shopping

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why is a strong economy important

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Tanzania is very important to todays society because, my college textbook told me that they import food to lazy fat americans

What are computer literacy and information system literacy why are they important..?

A literate person cannot be expected to know how to operate a computer. In essence, a person can be literate but not computer literate. But the opposite seems difficult to be true. A computer literate is often always a literate.

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Why is it important be as media literate as possible?

Many media messages have a hidden agenda.