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Classification taxonomy, is important to Biology and the diversity of living thing for a number or reasons. Establishing relationships between extant organisms allows us to construct phylogenes which help us to understand their evolutionary history; this knowledge is invaluable right across the board from Paleontology (tracing changes of anatomy in fossils), to genetic engineering (whether a gene from one organism is likely to function in another), to medicine (which species a given virus is likely to spread between), to development (whether a gene from one structure are the same that form a homologous one, i.e. fins/legs/wings), to conservation (investigating previous extinctions, establishing the diversity of animals under threat), to immunology (whether a transplanted organ will be accepted/rejected).

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to help them organize organisms in a logical order so they can more easily study them. :)

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Q: Why is it important to classify the diversity of living things?
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Why do scientist classify living things?

To be able to study all the living things in our universe, we need a way to group or classify them together. Scientists divided all things into living and non-living. Then they divided those (e.g. animal kindom and plant kingdom, then continued dividing them on how the items were seimilar or dissimilar).

Why must you classify living things?

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What are the the variety of living things in an ecosystem called?

The variety of living things in an ecosystem is called biodiversity. This includes all the different species of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that interact within a specific environment. Biodiversity is essential for maintaining the balance and resilience of an ecosystem.

Why do scientists classify things?

Scientists classify things to organize and understand the diversity of living organisms or objects. Classification helps in identifying relationships and patterns, as well as making it easier to study and communicate about different groups of organisms or objects.

Why it is important to classify living things?

It is important to classify living things because there are over 10 million species on earth. For example, when you go to a large grocery store, all of the aisles have labels hanging down so that you can easily find what your looking for.

Why do sciencetists classify living things?

Scientists classify living things because then it's easier to share information, study, & discuss these living things.

What do Biologists classify living things are involved in?

Biologists who classify living things are taxonomists, and the science is called taxonomy.

Is a term used by scientists to classify all living things?

Biotic is a term that is used by science to classify living things.

A variety of living things?

Biodiversity is the diversity of living things.

How do indigenous people classify living things?

they classify them by puting them into groups

How do scientists classify the parts of the ecosystem?

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