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Because cures and treatments for many diseases have already been found in nature, down to aspirin itself (willow bark). Who knows what more is out there. Better not destroy it before we do - many species are already driven extinct every day without ever having been described or even given names.

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They did it because they wanted to preserve the undiscovered medicines that may exist in nature!

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Because people don’t like ut

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Q: Why is it important to protect Earth's biodiversity?
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Explain how earths biodiversity relates to classification?

Earth's biodiversity is the variety of life forms present on the planet. Classification is the process of organizing these life forms into groups based on their characteristics. By classifying organisms, scientists can better understand and study the vast array of species that contribute to Earth's biodiversity.

What are the steps would you undertake to protect the biodiversity of your area?

you will respect

How do you protect biodiversity?

Protecting biodiversity involves setting up protected areas, promoting sustainable practices, combating illegal wildlife trade, controlling invasive species, and educating the public about conservation. It is important to prioritize the conservation of habitats and species, and to involve local communities and governments in conservation efforts. Reducing pollution and climate change can also help protect biodiversity.

Why is biodiversity important among communities?

biodiversity helps all creatures live together

How would you respond to someone who makes a statement that it is not important to protect areas of temperate and polar biomes because most of the worlds biodiversity is in the tropics?

While a significant portion of the world's biodiversity is indeed found in the tropics, temperate and polar biomes also host unique and diverse ecosystems that are important for overall ecological balance. Protecting these areas is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity, supporting vulnerable species, and preserving critical habitats in the face of climate change and other threats. All biomes play a role in the interconnected web of life on Earth, and conservation efforts should strive to protect biodiversity across diverse environments.

Related questions

Why do researchers and drug companies want to protect earths biodiversity?

Many drugs are based on compounds originally found in nature. As we lose biodiversity we lose valuable resources for future drug development.

How are black footed cats important to the society?

because they are endangered and we want to protect ALL earths animals therefore it is important we protect them

How does the EU protect biodiversity?

because then biodiversity stays green and helps the animals

What human activity does not harm earths biodiversity?

Conserving Water

Why is it important to protect the earths resources?

It is important to protect the earth's resources to ensure sustainability for future generations, maintain ecological balance, and preserve biodiversity. Overconsumption and exploitation of resources can lead to environmental degradation, climate change, and depletion of essential resources.

Explain how earths biodiversity relates to classification?

Earth's biodiversity is the variety of life forms present on the planet. Classification is the process of organizing these life forms into groups based on their characteristics. By classifying organisms, scientists can better understand and study the vast array of species that contribute to Earth's biodiversity.

How does the U.s. Endangered species act protect biodiversity?

They check the ecosystems to make sure there are signs of biodiversity.

Why is it important to use fresh water wisely?

for the safety of our health to prevent our body from diseases

What step does water combined with pollutants on earths surface?

When water combines with pollutants on Earth's surface, it can lead to contamination of water sources. This contamination can harm aquatic ecosystems, affect human health, and disrupt natural processes like nutrient cycling. Proper management of pollutants is important to protect water quality and biodiversity.

Why is it important to save the hummingbird?

Hummingbirds play a crucial role in pollinating flowers and plants, contributing to the biodiversity of ecosystems. Additionally, they are important indicators of environmental health. By saving the hummingbird, we help maintain a balanced ecosystem and protect biodiversity.

What are the steps would you undertake to protect the biodiversity of your area?

you will respect

How do you protect biodiversity?

Protecting biodiversity involves setting up protected areas, promoting sustainable practices, combating illegal wildlife trade, controlling invasive species, and educating the public about conservation. It is important to prioritize the conservation of habitats and species, and to involve local communities and governments in conservation efforts. Reducing pollution and climate change can also help protect biodiversity.