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To keep oxygen in the water for the bacteria that "eat" wastes in the water to help purify it. If the oxygen level gets to low, the bacteria die, and the water in the basin doesn't get cleaned.

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Q: Why is it important to pump air through the aeration basin?
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What is aeration pit pump?

A vegetable

Why is the human heart important?

to pump blood through out your body.

How many fish can fit into a 2 gallon tank?

Depends on whether or not you have aeration (an air pump). If no aeration, then you shouldn't put more than 2-3 fish "inches" (total inches of fish) in the aquarium. If you do have aeration going, then you can double this amount and have up to 6 inches of fish.

Where can one buy a sump pump basin?

There are many different varieties of places available where one can purchase a sump pump basin. These places include, but are not limited to, Amazon and Ebay.

How is copper separated from other minerals found with?

You basically put your grinded ore in an oil basin and let the copper stick to air bubbles you pump through it.

Where can I find a manual for installing a sump pump?

To avoid a basement flood, installing a sump pump is a must. First mark an outline of the sump basin on the floor. Next dig a hole large enough to fit the basin making sure it is flush with the floor. Wrap the basin with filter fabric. Set the basin in the hole with a few inches of gravel inside. Put stone paver on the gravel. Put the pump on the paver. Connect valve and PVC pipe to pump, and then run the pipe up the closest wall. You may need to drill a hole to run the pipe outside. Fill around the basin with concrete, and smooth it out. Plug the pump and test it by filling the basin with water.

How do you connect a dual pump and filter system?

There are five steps on how to connect a dual pump and a filter system. Some of the step-by-step instructions are design and excavate an over-sized sump basin, it be a minimum of two inches clearance between the two pumps, and then install the pump in the basin.

With a submersible sump pump do you submerse the entire pump?

Yes the whole pump is designed to be under water but plugging it in at least 3' above the top of pump basin, also every pump will tell you in their specs how deep of water it can be in.

Does a goldfish have to have air pump?

No, however a goldfish will greatly benefit from having one. An air pump provides an added source of aeration which increases the levels of dissolved oxygen in the tank. This in-turn makes it easier for the fish to breath.

What size tank do you need for piranhas?

At least a Four Foot tank is needed, it's not the depth that counts, but the surface area which is very important, helps with the oxygen, also equip the tank with an aeration pump, filters, Lights, plants and some imitation rocks for them to hide behind.

What is the most important factor is helping blood return to the heart through the venous system?

Skeletal muscle pump

Why is jumping a good example of cardiovascular endurance?

Its good because it helps your blood pump through your veins. So that is why it is important.