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To respect diversity is important because it means that you respect everyone. You should make sure that you respect everyone so that you can get along with everyone.

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Q: Why is it important to respect diversity?
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Why is it important to respect diversity in terms of tolerance?

can you answer the question for me please

Why is it important to support and respect the diversity of different cultures and values?

because all different culture have different background and values that we need to respect

How do you Define the term diversity?

recongising everyone as an individual. The concept of diversity compasses acceptance and respect for everyone.

What does it mean by respect cultural diversity?

Cultural Diversity is a term referring to the differences between opposing cultures. Culture referrs to customs or traditions (inclusive of religion in my opinion) that are genuine to a certain area. So what about the respect of cultural diversity? Disrespecting cultural diversity is like a Christian insulting the Jewish holiday Honica. Although a Christian thinks differently (in terms of faith, belief and religion) as a Jewish individual, having a respect for cultural diversity would be not to deface their religion. Instead, accept your differences, follow yours, and let them follow theirs. Having a better respect for cultural diversity would make the world a better place. :D

Has a good American citizen it is important to respect the diversity of this country unfortunately discrimination is been ongoing struggle for centuries what is the Best way for citizens to correct?

learn tolerance and understanding

In what ways can respect for cultural diversity be demonstrated in a workplace?

be nice and respectful to others.

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diversity so important to the study of human relations

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Why is diversity is important for ecosystem?

diversity is important in ecosystems because if there wasn't some animals, other animals would die.

What have you done to support diversity in your unit?

Diversity in a unit can be supported by hiring individuals of mixed descent. In addition, tolerance and respect for all people should be demonstrated by leaders.

What does diversity mean and why is it important?

Diversity means that a company has people from different backgrounds as employees. Diversity helps companies by creating an environment of innovation.

Why is conflict important?

Conflict can be an important factor in maintaining ethnic diversity.