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Because the female would get pregnant if you do not use protection like condoms.

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Q: Why is it important to use protection like a condom?
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The code standadard for this type of protection?

CONDOM! always use protection

What if use a condom can you get pregnant?

The protection level using a condom is about 86% ... meaning there is a 14% possibility of the condom failing, rupturing or tearing.

Are you virgin if you use a condom?

No. Once you do the deed, with or without protection, you are no longer a virgin.

Can you conceive 2 days before your period?

of course you can which is why there is protection so use a condom!

Do people who use protection still get HIV infection?

There are no exact figures, but the chances of HIV infection using a condom is minimal (2% condom failure rate).

What if you had your first sex withouht using a condom is it possible that you can get pregnant?

well hello, of course you can. The reason you wear a condom is so it does not happen, be careful and always use protection.

If you're on birth control there's no need to use a condom?

BCP do not protect against STI's or HIV. If you and your partner are sexually monogamous with a prior clean slate for STD's you do not need a condom. Many woman use a condom just to prevent that tiny little chance of pregnancy, the pill is 99.5% effective when used as directed. Using a condom gives piece of mind if there is ever a forgotten BCP. What you don't need to use while on BCP is Emergency Contraceptives for condom breakage etc. The OCP at 99.5% protection is well over the protection one would get from the ECP.

Should i use a other form of birth control if you have the IUD?

The IUD does not prevent infection. Using a condom can provide additional pregnancy protection as well as protection from STDs.

Is condom or pills best for an 15 year old girl?

condoms because they provide protection against sexually transmissible infection. For extra protection you can use both.

What is the best way to protect yourself from getting STI?

The best protection against STI, is by use of a condom, or total abstinence.

What shall you do to not pregnant?

It is very important if you do not want to get pregnant to use a regular form of birth control (such as the pill, the patch, IUD etc. ) that is best suitable for you by your family doctor as well as always use a condom in addition to this regular form of birth control - not only will a condom be added protection against pregnancy but will help prevent the transmission of STD's and HIV/AIDS. Whatever your chosen regular form of birth control is remember it is very important to always use a condom no matter what - don't ever believe the guy that he has a condom or it is on, check that it is or put it on for him or use a girls condom and on the other end don't ever believe that a girl is using the pill etc. always put that condom on!! There are to many unwanted pregnancies as well as sexually transmitted diseases out there that can be prevented from transmitting.

What are the chances of becoming pregnant at 16 when using protection?

Depends on your protection. If you are using a condom I would say pretty high, but if you are on the pill I would say on the low range. Be smart and use a good protection method.