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Why is it impossible to make double bonds between nitrogen and oxygen?

Who said it is impossible!!

N has 5 valence electrons and O has 6 valence electrons. When you try to draw the structural formula of an N-O compound you have an extra electron. However, you can draw the structural formula of N2O4.

Look it up on the web. It has 2 double bonded N=O and 2 single bonded N-O.

New concept! The bonds are called resonance bonds, because one pair of electrons from each of the double bonds moves around the entire molecule. Thus the molecule is symmetrical.

You need to see an image of this on the web understand it better!!

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Q: Why is it impossible to make double bonds between nitrogen and oxygen?
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Can there be a bond between nitrogen and oxygen?

Yes. The simplest molecule NO cannot follow the Octet Rule. Since there is an odd number of valence electrons, complete electron pairing is impossible. NO is a free radical with an unpaired electron, but is relatively stable and is an important in biological systems. The other odd electron oxide is NO2, this is more stable than NO and is in equilibrium with N2O4. There are many nitrogen oxides and oxo-anions NO3-, and NO2-. Nitrogen oxygen bonds can be single covalent bonds or double bonds (pi bonds).