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Because he is a King, and he got himself into trouble gloating about it. After he blinded the cyclops he waved his power around, which is how Poseidon know who he was and was able to cast him so far away from home; forcing him to take ten years to get there after losing all his loyal supporters.

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It is ironic because Odysseus, a hero known for his cunning and leadership, returns in a state of vulnerability and poverty. This contrast highlights the hardships he faces in his journey as well as the challenges he must overcome to reclaim his rightful place as king.

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Q: Why is it ironic that Odysseus returns to his kingdom as a beggar?
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Why is it ironic that odysseus returns to his kingdom dressed as a beggar?

It is ironic because Odysseus, a powerful king, should be returning to his kingdom in a triumphant and regal manner, not disguised as a lowly beggar. This disguise highlights the contrast between his true identity and his outward appearance, creating dramatic tension in the story. Additionally, it challenges societal norms that associate power and status with one's appearance.

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What is ironic about Polyphemus saying that he will eat nobody?

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