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Too many algae or plants will block sunlight, suffocating anything that lives below the surface. You need some plants or algae though, for oxygene production.

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1mo ago

Excessive algae and plant growth in a lake can lead to harmful algal blooms that deplete oxygen levels in the water, causing harm to fish and other aquatic life. It can also disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, making the water unsuitable for recreational activities and drinking. Additionally, the presence of algae can release toxins that are harmful to human health.

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Q: Why is it sop bad to have algae and plant growth in a lake?
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Do potato chips help plant growth?

Potato chips are not a suitable source of nutrients for plant growth. In fact, the high salt and fat content in potato chips can be detrimental to plants by interfering with their ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. It is best to use organic matter or specific plant fertilizers to promote healthy plant growth.

What happens when you water the plant with milk will it die?

Watering a plant with milk can lead to root rot and disrupt the balance of nutrients crucial for plant growth. The high protein and fat content in milk can also attract pests and encourage mold growth, ultimately harming the plant. It's best to use water and appropriate plant fertilizers for healthy growth.

Can you summarize the role of algal blooms in disrupting the equilibrium in an aquatic ecosystem?

Algal blooms can disrupt aquatic ecosystems by creating imbalances in nutrient levels, outcompeting other species for resources, reducing oxygen levels through decomposition, and producing toxins harmful to aquatic life. This disruption can lead to fish kills, loss of biodiversity, and shifts in ecosystem structure and function.

What would cause a plant to stop growing?

Some common reasons for a plant to stop growing include lack of sunlight, improper watering (either too much or too little), nutrient deficiencies, rootbound conditions, pests or diseases, or adverse environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures or poor air circulation. Adjusting these factors can help the plant resume healthy growth.

How do bad odor help a plant to survive?

Bad odors can deter herbivores or pests from feeding on the plant, protecting it from damage. Additionally, some bad odors can attract predators or parasites that feed on the herbivores, providing a natural defense mechanism for the plant.

Related questions

Why is algae growth bad?

Too much algae can reduce oxygen in water. This can cause many fish to die.

What type of plant is a burl growth?

A burl growth plant is a type of plant that has grown with a deformed grain. When it is sawn through the planks made would have defects in them and be classed as bad timber products.

Babbs Mill Lake a very dirty and smelly lake?

No. Not really. Has suffered from blue/green algae in the past which has had to be dredged out. That stinks when it rots. Also can't be too bad as there is an abundance of wildlife including Kingfishers in and around the lake.

Does sugarwater affect plant growth?

yes it does if you add to wuch sugar water it will cause osmosis and this is bad for the plant. Your plant will not grow and become weak.

How does caffeine effect the growth of a bean plant?

their are some myth that caffeine can affect plants bad or good

What is the difference in the effects of the growth of plants based on using salt water in one plant and tap water for the other plant for a time period of two weeks?

The salt water will die the plants bad nutrients and bad chemicals and it will kill the plant. The tap water chemicals will not affect the growth of the plant. It might not work as well as distilled water because there is chlorine in it but it is fine

Is algae good?

Yes, algae play a crucial role in the ecosystem by producing oxygen through photosynthesis and serving as a food source for various organisms. Some types of algae are also used in biotechnology, biofuels, and water treatment processes. However, excessive algal growth in water bodies can lead to harmful algal blooms, which have negative impacts on water quality and aquatic life.

Is pleco food bad for goldfish?

Plecos' are algae eaters (basically vegetarians). Goldfish are plant, insect, crustacea and fish eaters. (basically omnivourous). What do you think? Work it out!

Is it bad when coral loses the algae?

Yes, because algae provide coral reef with nutrients

How does oil spills affect duckweed growth?

Oil spills are very bad for Duckweed growth. This is because duckweed need oxygen and oil spills keep oxygen from reaching the plant.

What is a lake darner?

A Lake Darner is someone who makes lakes look bad and people to say ''darn lake darners have made this lake look bad''

What is good soil and bad soil?

Good soil is nutrient-rich, well-draining, and has a balanced pH level which promotes healthy plant growth. Bad soil may be overly compacted, lack essential nutrients, have poor drainage leading to waterlogging, or have an imbalanced pH level that restricts plant growth. Testing soil quality can help determine if it is suitable for gardening or farming.