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Q: Why is it that Canadian and American business firms can easily do business together?
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Why is is that Canadian and American business firms can easily do business together?


Why is that Canadian and American business firms can easily do business together?


What is the differenc between American and Canadian accent?

The main difference between American and Canadian accents is the way certain vowels and consonants are pronounced. For example, Canadians tend to use more British English influences in their pronunciation compared to Americans. Additionally, there may be differences in intonation and slang between the two accents.

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why small business firms could not easily source for needed funds

Why was Populating Western Canada through the Canadian Pacific railroad important?

Because there would be stops on the railine and this meant opportunities for business and to make money People moved near the railway also to get around Canada easily

Why is the Canadian flag easily recognised?

Because it is the only flag with a maple leaf.

What is the Iraq currency to Canadian dollars?

The Iraq currency can be converted into Canadian dollars very easily. One Canadian dollar, used in the country known as Canada, is equal to 1105.60 in the Iraq currency.

Which is the largest business group in the world?

Microsoft, easily

Would cubes stack easily?

yes, they fit easily together. This is called tessellation.

What is the importance of a business plan in managing business growth and survival in a competitive environment?

Business plan enables you to easily foresee what you are doing and where are you going. When problems occurs, you can easily solve it. You can be more flexible when changes occurs in the environment.

How useful is speaking Japanese in American jobs?

America does do a lot of business with Japan, so in some companies, it would be useful to speak Japanese, but in most companies, it doesn't come up. If you had a business that catered to Japanese tourists, then obviously a knowledge of Japanese would be tremendously useful. But for easily 99% of American businesses, Japanese is not used or needed.

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