

Why is math so important in science?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Answer 1: Math is important to science because it help confirm some of lifes most important events. With out math there wouldn't be any science.

Answer 2: There would be no point and Galieo and Copernicus opinions and research. Science was fun for them. For some people its not. But whatever, just learn it. Without science and math this world have never been this good. I have learned that I can achieve a lot. Im only in 7th grade and I already know this. For real, this world is amazing and i wouldn't have wanted anymore than that . so science and math are soooooo important.

Answer 3: The numbers help scientists to confirm events that happen in our past and also help to set a date when life change events will happen in the present as well as our future.

Answer 4: Math is the universal language. It defines all of the other sciences and helps one scientist define and share his thoughts with all other scientists, even if they speak differing languages.

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