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because they cant get the cheap work that we get

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Q: Why is migration to the US a disadvantage to the Mexican economy?
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Why is migration to the US a disadvantage for the Mexican economy?

i really dont know 8-l

How US gets affected by bad Mexican economy?

Many Mexicans have immigrated illegally to the US, to escape from the bad Mexican economy.

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Why is migration to the United States a disadvantage for Mexico economy?

It isn't; it has actually remained relatively healthy thanks to immigrants getting into the US; especially if you consider them as an "export" (i.e. Mexico exports cheap labor into the US).Mexican immigrants are people with little to no education who do not reach the United States because of its culture or lifestyle; they immigrate into the US to get jobs that offer greater wages than those of the same kind found in Mexico. For instance, while the average chambermaid would earn $15,012 in the United States, she would earn as little as $4,896 in Mexico.Now, as they immigrate into the US, they leave their family and friends behind; they usually send a fraction of their earnings back to Mexico; these are known as remittances. During 2013, Mexican immigrants sent approximately $22 billion back to Mexico, which is approximately 1.6% of the Mexican economy at nominal value.

What states are impacted by migration from Mexico into the US?

California and Texas are the main destination of Mexican immigrants. Other states with heavy Mexican migration include Arizona, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.

Does migration change because of money in the US?

Absolutely. When the economy is strong, immigration is encouraged and more people are more likely to want to migrate to the US.

How has us exports to Mexico affected farming?

Mexican imports of US grain and other agricultural products have negatively impacted Mexican farmers. This is due to the fact that US farming is heavily subsidized, resulting in much cheaper production costs. This in turn has resulted in an increased migration of Mexican farmers into cities and of course, into the United States as illegal immigrants.

Why is migration to the US so high?

Because the US is supposedly the land of opportunity and they are said to have allot of jobs but in this economy there is very few jobs and people do not understand this.. and allot of things are legal there

How did the war affect the migration of the workers in the US?

During World War I and II, especially Mexican workers immigrated to the US. They performed well not only in the agricultural field but also in the industry and service area.

How might migration from Mexico shape cultural change in the US?

Although it is debatable whether this is because of migration from Mexico, or the fact that these lands belongued to Mexico to begin with, most of the US Southwest has adopted several cultural traits from Mexico, including words, dishes, and traditions. For example, as soon as the US Southwest became part of the United States, Americans adopted the "vaquero" culture (literally, cowboy) from Mexican ranchers already present before the Mexican-American War.

What' was the great migration that took place between 1910 and 1940?

a great migration that came from Europe to the us

What are the advantage and disadvantage of animal production?

Advantages:helps economy, keeps us warm which is pelt production,gives us food to eat. Disadvantages:some farms treat their animals unfairly, and animals die.