

Why is nitrogen an atom?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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Nitrogen is an element, therefore it is an atom because elements are all atoms.

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Q: Why is nitrogen an atom?
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Is nitrogen an neutral atom or an ion?

Neutral atom. An atom of nitrogen will also be an isotope of nitrogen.

How many electrons in an atom of nitrogen?

A nitrogen atom has seven electrons.

How is a nitrogen atom different from a nitrogen molecule?

A single nitrogen atom can be chemically reactive while a nitrogen molecule is relatively stable and tends to be faf more inert. A nitrogen molecule also has twice the mass of a nitrogen atom.

How big is a nitrogen atom?

The covalent radius of nitrogen atom is 71 pm.

What carbon atom forms a covalent bond with nitrogen?

Any carbon atom can form a covalent bond with nitrogen. In hydrogen cyanide, HCN, the carbon atom forms a triple covalent bond with the nitrogen atom. In amino acids, the carbon atom forms a single bond with a nitrogen atom.

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The VSEPR formula for the nitrogen atom as the central atom in glycine is Ax3e.

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Is nitrogen gas atom or molecule?

pussyboi; atom

How many protons are in a nitrogren atom?

there are 7 protons in each nitrogen atom.

What happens when a hydrogen atom covalently bonds to one oxygen or nitrogen atom is attracted to another oxygen or nitrogen atom?

hyrdrogen bonds.

How many protons would you expect to find in neutral nitrogen atom?

A neutral nitrogen atom has 7 protons. This is because nitrogen has an atomic number of 7 and each atom has the same number of protons as its atomic number. Therefore a neutral nitrogen atom would have 7 protons.

How do you calculate total nitrogen?

nitrogen is only one atom