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Nitrogen is a major nutrient or macronutrient for microbes as wells as other organisms. Absolutely essential for aminoacids and protein synthersis. Deficiency cause many disease related to protein deficiency and microbes will not able to gro well so that is a reason that we add peptone in culture medium for microbes

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Q: Why is nitrogen essential to the growth of a fungus?
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Why is nitrogen essential to the growth of a fungus but not to the spread of rust?

Nitrogen is essential for the growth of fungi as it is a key component of proteins and nucleic acids necessary for cellular processes. Rust, caused by fungi in the Pucciniales order, obtains nitrogen from the host plant's nutrients and does not require external nitrogen sources for its spread. Rust fungi have adapted mechanisms to extract nitrogen from host plants, making external nitrogen less critical for their spread.

What element is found in most soils and is essential for plant growth?


Why do people put nitrogen in plant fertilizer?

People put nitrogen in fertilizers because nitrogen in the form of ammonium nitrogen is essential for a plant's growth.

What is nitrogen nutrition?

Nitrogen nutrition refers to the role of nitrogen in the growth and development of plants. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient that plants need for chlorophyll production, protein synthesis, and overall growth. Adequate nitrogen nutrition is important for plant health and productivity.

What does a chlamydomonas make from nitrogen?

Chlamydomonas, a type of algae, can incorporate nitrogen into proteins, chlorophyll, and other essential molecules required for growth and metabolism. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for the synthesis of these biological molecules in chlamydomonas.

Which element is an essential nutrients for plant growth and is found in most soils?

Nitrogen. or potassium

Why farmers use fertilizers containing nitrogen?

Farmers use fertilizers containing nitrogen because nitrogen is essential for plant growth and development. It is a key component of proteins, which are crucial for plant cell structure and function. Applying nitrogen fertilizers helps ensure that plants have an adequate supply of this important nutrient to support healthy growth and high yields.

Which three elements essential for plant growth do most fertilizers contain?

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three essential elements found in most fertilizers. They are often referred to as NPK and are necessary for healthy plant growth, development, and reproduction.

Is nitrogen a macronutrient?

Yes, nitrogen is a macronutrient. It is an essential element required in large quantities by plants, animals, and other organisms for their growth and development. Nitrogen is a crucial component of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids, which are essential for the structure and function of cells.

Because nitrogen is required for growth it is considered as an essential?

Yes, nitrogen is essential for plant growth and is a key component of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. It plays a crucial role in various plant metabolic processes, including photosynthesis and enzyme reactions. Without sufficient nitrogen, plants may exhibit stunted growth, yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), and overall poor health.

What is nonreproductive body of a fungus?

The nonreproductive body of a fungus is called mycelium. It is a network of branching, thread-like hyphae that make up the main body of the fungus, responsible for nutrient absorption and growth. The mycelium is usually found underground, within its substrate, and is essential for the fungus's survival and reproduction.

What element is an essential nurient for plant growth d is found in most soils?

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth and is found in most soils. It is a key component of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll, all of which are vital for plant functions such as photosynthesis and growth. Nitrogen deficiency can lead to stunted growth and poor crop yields.