

Why is nitrogen fixation necessary?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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8y ago

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Most plants use single nitrogen atoms, not N2 molecules.

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Q: Why is nitrogen fixation necessary?
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How is notrogen fixation a necessary part of the nitrogen cycle?

Plants use nitrogen a N- and air has N2. Nitrogen fixation changes nitrogen into a form that plants can use.

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Nitrogen Fixation -Eugene Chung

How is nitrogen affected by nitrogen fixation?

Conversion of inert elemental nitrogen gas into biologically usable form is called nitrogen fixation. Organism that performs nitrogen fixation is Rhizobium Leguminous.

What is nitrogen fixation and who can do this?

Conversion of inert elemental nitrogen gas into biologically usable form is called nitrogen fixation. Organism that performs nitrogen fixation is Rhizobium Leguminous.

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Nitrogen fixation is carried out primarly by?

Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria are the primary source in which Nitrogen Fixation is carried out. The bacteria changes N2 (unreactive element) into nitrogen compounds, which are soluble and can be absorbed.

Protista are ecologically important because they process nitrogen through nitrogen fixation?

No. Nitrogen fixation is done by bacterias.

What is a sentence for the word nitrogen fixation?

I discovered that a nitrogen fixation has a bacteria. -high school student

How Nitrogen fixation for plants occurs in what organism?

Nitrogen fixation is carried out by nitrogen fixing bacteria in the nodules of the roots of legumes, and in the soil.

Who discovered biological nitrogen fixation?

Biological nitrogen fixation was discovered by the Dutch microbiologist Martinus Beijerinck.

Can Nitrogen Fixation become greener?

Nitrogen fixation can become greener if the natural chemicals are used in the plants.