

Why is physics considered as science?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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because it is an important thing to know our life better

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Q: Why is physics considered as science?
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Why is it that physics is considered as a science of energy?

queen of science maths which combines with physics to have good chemistry so physics is considered as a science of energy

Explain why physics is considered a basic science?

Physics can be considered to derive from mathematics and is the study of both matter and energy. It is considered to the basic science, because all other sciences can be shown to be derived from it. Any field or science has some amount of physics with in it.

Why is physics considered the basic science?

Physics is the study of matter and energy and is a branch of science directly derived from mathematics. It is considered the basic science because all the other sciences either derive from physics or use the concepts of physics.

Why physics considered as pioneer of science?

because it is one of 3 main groups of science biology chemistry and physics

Why physics considered the basics science?

no. go away

Why physics is considered as the most fundamental of the science?

Other sciences depend on the physics of the situation.

Why do you think physics considered as pioneer of science?

Physics is considered as pioneer of science because we cannot survive without using its formullas in our daily lives . Such as :cooking by heating etc.

For what reasons is physics considered as an exact science?

An exact science is a field of science that rigorously tests its hypothesises with precise experiments, predictions and measurements. For this reason, both Physics and Chemistry - but not biology - are considered as exact sciences.

What is the relationship of chemistry to other branches of science like biology and physics?

Chemistry is found in the other branches of science such as Biology and Physics. Chemistry actually evolved from Physics and is considered the central science due to its role in with other branches of science.

Why physics considered as basic science?

science contain physcial data like motion , energy

Why is Physics considered as a Basic Science?

its not that its easy its because without it so much of science would be left unexplained.

Can physics be called science?

A science is a particular branch of science, such as, physics, chemistry or biology. So, yes, physics is 'a' science. But it is not science.