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Q: Why is potential energy is sometimes called stored energy?
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Why is potential energy sometimes called stored energy?

because the work done in placing that object at a height is stored in it as the potential energy....

Why is potentials energy sometimes called stored energy?

Because it is. Gravitational potential energy is energy stored in the gravitational field, electrical potential energy is energy stored in the electric field, magnetic potential energy is stored in the magnetic field, etc.

What is energy stored in an object called?

Stored energy is called Potential EnergyStored energy is called Potential energy.

What kind of energy is stored energy?

This is called potential energy, because it is available when required

Is the internal energy stored in the bonds between atoms a form of potential energy that is sometimes called electromagnetic energy?

Thermal energy

The internal energy stored in the bonds between atoms is a form of potential energy that is sometimes called electromagnetic energy True or false?

False: The energy is called "chemical potential energy" instead of electromagnetic energy.

What could potential energy also be called?

It can also be called stored energy.

How is potential energy stored energy?

Potential energy is called stored energy because it is an energy that is not being used but ready to be used.

What type of energy is stored up?


Stored energy that can be released to become other forms of energy?

That is called potential energy.That is called potential energy.That is called potential energy.That is called potential energy.

What is the energy stored in chemical compounds called?

Potential energy is stored energy. The potential energy stored in chemical compounds is Chemical Energy. Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.

The internal energy stored in the bonds between atoms is a form of potential energy that is sometimes called electromagnetic energy is this true or false?

Thermal Energy