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Smoking is a challenge because if you try it, it's hard to stop. There is nicotine in cigarettes which causes the addiction. However, you can prevent trying smoking. If one of your friend's offers you a cigarette, tell them, "I'm sorry, I know you like them, but I don't smoke. I don't want to get lung cancer." Or something like that. But if you ever made the mistake of trying a cigarette, it can lead to meth, drugs, drinking, and so on. You can also get help from smoking. You can go into rehab, so a doctor, etc. Smoking would be a challenge because if you smoke, it will be harder for you to run, breathe,etc. It can also cause, bad breathe, yellow teeth, lung cancer, scratchy voice, and the other things I didn't mention. Smoking is very bad for you. I hope you do not try it, and if you have, try to get some help to stop it. I hope my answer helped.

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Because tobacco companies add nicotine to the tobacco which is extremely addictive.

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