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It reduces gene flow.

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Alexis Armstrong

Lvl 4
3y ago
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Alvah Stokes

Lvl 13
1y ago

It spread

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Wiki User

13y ago

Reproductive isolation separates the reproduction of one population into two populations. Over time after generations, the two separate populations start living and reproducing differently, so they evolve into two separate species, which is speciation (also known as divergent evolution). Reproductive isolation and speciation reduces gene flow.

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Wiki User

10y ago

Reproductive isolation separates the reproduction of one population into two populations. Over time after generations, the two separate populations start living and reproducing differently, so they evolve into two separate species, which is speciation (also known as divergent evolution). Reproductive isolation and speciation reduces gene flow.

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Wiki User

13y ago

When two populations of the same species are reproductively isolated for whatever reason the mutations that occur in the separate germ lines can, over time, change the allele frequency enough that these separate populations of the same species can become two species.

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Wiki User

13y ago

Because if two populations can no longer mingle their gene pools then any mutations in one population will not be shared in the other population and their gene pools will evolve along different lines to speciation.

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Wiki User

10y ago

Jesus loves you and wants to change your life today, you belong in the kingdom of heaven not in this dreadfull place which one day will be hell, all you have to di is except him as your lord and savior and believe in your heart that he died on the cross to pay for your sins and you shall rejoy in him and have ever lasting life through our father Jesus Christ, thankyou for your time and sorry i couldnt answer this question for you, have and amazing blessed day :)

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Wiki User

12y ago

The fuzzy definition of 'species' is a group of animals whose shared gene pool is still compatible with each other. If two animals are genetically compatible enough, then they can produce fertile offspring. Two different species can produce living offspring, but they will not be fertile.

Once two groups become genetically isolated from each other and can no longer mix their gene pools, then a new species is formed and continue to evolve separately through microevolution.

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Wiki User

9y ago

Reproductive isolation is necessary for a new species to form. If this does not occur, there will still be the same gene flow within the population.

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Maya Edmonson

Lvl 6
2y ago

it reduces gene flow - apex

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Why is isolation important in evolution?

It is the reproductive isolation between populations that allows divergence between populations, and ultimately speciation, to occur. Often this reproductive isolation is the result of geographical isolation, for instance when part of a population migrates to new territories.

Can microevolution lead to macroevoultion?

Given the opportunity for reproductive isolation between subpopulations to develop, macroevolution seems like an inevitable consequence of microevolution. Not only can speciation occur (and not only is it observed): it's hard to imagine how it could not occur.

Explain how isolation helps speciation?

Reproductive isolation prevents variations from spreading throughout the entire population. Since genetic variations basically occur randomly, the chances that the same variations will occur in both reproductively separated subpopulations are vanishingly slim. Thus, genetic divergence between both subpopulations will occur, and this may eventually lead to speciation. Isolation stops populations of the same species from interbreeding. This results in separate breeding among populations and genetic differences become more pronounced with each generation.

What must occur for a population to diverge?

Reproductive isolation: a decline in interbreeding frequency between two segments of the ancestral population.

What are three ways isolation occur?

1. When new species form.2. When a group is separated from the rest of its species.3. When members of the isolated group can no longer mate with the rest of species.

Related questions

What is necessary for speciation to occur?

Isolation Is necessary for speciation to occur.

Why is isolation important in evolution?

It is the reproductive isolation between populations that allows divergence between populations, and ultimately speciation, to occur. Often this reproductive isolation is the result of geographical isolation, for instance when part of a population migrates to new territories.

Speciation without geographic isolation is called what?

Speciation without geographic isolation is called sympatric speciation. This type of speciation occurs when new species evolve from a common ancestor in the same geographic area. It is often driven by other factors such as ecological or reproductive isolation.

Can microevolution lead to macroevoultion?

Given the opportunity for reproductive isolation between subpopulations to develop, macroevolution seems like an inevitable consequence of microevolution. Not only can speciation occur (and not only is it observed): it's hard to imagine how it could not occur.

When does reproductive isolation occur?

when the male and female unites

How do geographic isolation cause speciation?

The central idea here is that when populations are geographically separated, they will diverge from one another, both in the way they look and genetically. These changes might occur by natural selection or by random chance (i.e., genetic drift), and in both cases result in reproductive isolation.

Explain how isolation helps speciation?

Reproductive isolation prevents variations from spreading throughout the entire population. Since genetic variations basically occur randomly, the chances that the same variations will occur in both reproductively separated subpopulations are vanishingly slim. Thus, genetic divergence between both subpopulations will occur, and this may eventually lead to speciation. Isolation stops populations of the same species from interbreeding. This results in separate breeding among populations and genetic differences become more pronounced with each generation.

What must occur within a gene pool before formation of a new species?

Answer: Reproductive Isolation

How can isolation of groups be involved in speciation?

Isolation of groups can lead to speciation when it results in reproductive barriers that prevent gene flow between populations. This can occur through geographic isolation (allopatric speciation), ecological isolation (sympatric speciation), or behavioral isolation. Over time, genetic divergence can accumulate, leading to the formation of new species.

How are speciation and reproductive isolation related?

For speciation to occur, one population must diverge genetically from another. Divergence is very difficult if the two populations exchange genes readily between them. A short rule of thumb to remember is:Populations which exchange genes are more alike genetically than those that don't.This means, in order to diverge genetically from one another, there must be some barriers, or reproductive isolation, to gene flow between them. When there are these barrier to gene flow, each population can accumulate different mutations and combinations of alleles independently of the other, thus diverging genetically.

What are conditions of speciation?

Speciation can occur due to allopatric isolation (geographic barrier), sympatric isolation (different ecological niches), or parapatric isolation (partial geographic barrier). It can also result from reproductive isolation, where individuals can no longer interbreed due to genetic, behavioral, or ecological barriers. Changes in chromosome number, mutations, and natural selection can also contribute to speciation.

What must occur for a population to diverge?

Reproductive isolation: a decline in interbreeding frequency between two segments of the ancestral population.