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Rhyolitic lava is extremely viscous. This means it can hold more gas under pressure. The magma travels upward slowly until the gas, which has been held in place, comes out of solution pretty much all at one, resulting in an explosion. The high viscosity also means that the magma can build over time only to be released suddenly. Basaltic lava, which does not resist flow as much, can be extruded more gradually.

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Q: Why is rhyolitic lava more expolsive than basaltic lava?
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Which type of lava-basaltic lava or rhyolitic lava flows faster and why?

Basaltic flows much faster than rhyolite. Rhyolite is higher viscosity. Find a video of a basaltic lava flow like Hawaii, it flows like water when it's hot. Rhyolite eruptions usually act more like toothpaste if they're slow, or an explosion if fast.

Does rhyolite lava have high viscosity?

Yes. Rhyolitic lava is extremely viscous, thousands to hundreds of thousands times more viscous that basaltic lava.

What type of magma has a high silica content?

rhyolitic magma has a lot of silica and water vapors... thanks for asking ;)

Is basaltic lava less fluid than andesitic lava?

No. Basaltic lava has less silica than andesitic lava which makes it less viscous and so basaltic lava flows more easily than andesitic lava.

What type of lava does shield a shield volcano have?

Mafic, more commonly called Basaltic.

What type of lava does mauna loa have felsic-rhyolitic intermediate-andesitic mafic-basaltic?

Mauna Loa exhibits non-explosive eruptions (like many in the Hawaiian islands) in the form of low viscosity (more fluid) lava due to poor silica content.

What is the consistency of basaltic lava?

No, it is actually one of the less viscous.The viscosity increasing when the composition of Felsic minerals make larger.That is, basalt lavas are more fluent than felsic lavas such as lavas from andesite of rhyolite. Also, the more viscosity, the more explosive.

What type of eruptions do mafic magmas cause?

Basaltic magmas are associated with fissure eruptions creating lava flows spilling out from cracks in the crust. This is because basaltic magmas are more viscous and contain a lower concentration of gases than rhyolitic magma and therefore are unable to build up sufficient pressure to produce explosive eruptions.

Temperature differences between acidic and basaltic lava?

Acid lava comes from composite cone volcanoes, is slow moving and viscous. Basic lava comes from shield volcanoes, is runny and flows faster. Acidic lava is felsic, or high in quartz and potassium feldspars. Basic lava is mafic, and higher in plagioclase feldspar.

What type of lava do cinder cones have?

Basaltic. There is more gas content than in most basaltic magma so that when a cinder cone erupts, The pressure builds up and makes the eruption somewhat explosive. Tephra, or dried lava/magma, is shot up, and joined to the volcano making it larger.

Are there three types of lava or four?

It depends on what criteria you use. If you go with the kind of flow there are four.Pahoehoe (ropey lava flows)A'a (jagged, more viscous flows)Pillow lava (rounded lumps that form underwater)Block lava (very viscous, very slow moving)The first three are all associated with mafic lava, also called basaltic lava, which refers to a specific composition. Pillow lava is sometimes ignored as are black lava flows, which don't much resemble traditional images of lava.In terms of composition there are also 4 basic types on a spectrum of increasing silica content and viscosityMafic (basaltic)Intermediate (andesitic)Intermediate-felsic (dacitic)Felsic (rhyolitic)These can be further subdivided. Another, rare kind of lava exists called carbonatite. This strange lava is composed of carbobnates rather than silicates as the others are, and is only found in one volcano: Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania.

Are pyroclasts formed by basaltic magma or andesitic magma?

Pyroclasts can be formed of any type of magma. However, they are more likely to form with andesitic than basaltic magma. Rhyolitic magma will also readily form pyroclasts.