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The rifling is there to spin the bullet, which gives greater accuracy.

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Q: Why is rifling present in the bore of the barrel?
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What direction does a bullet spin?

Direction of spin is dependent on the direction of the rifling on the inside bore of the barrel. A bullet will spin the same direction as the rifling.

What are bullet striations?

The scratch marks left on the proyectile by the rifling lines of the inside of the bore (barrel).

What purpose is served by the grooves cut in the bore of a barrel?

It's called rifling, and the purpose is to give the projectile a spin in order to stabilize it in flight.

What are smooth bores?

Smooth bores are bores or barrels in guns that do not contain rifling. Rifling is made up of lands and grooves that cause the bullet to turn within the barrel of the gun. This turning gives the bullet and gun its accuracy. A smooth bore gun is much less accurate than a rifled bore gun.

Can you shoot the rifflins out of a 22 mag?

Not sure of what you are asking. If it is can you wear out the rifling in a .22 magnum firearm by shooting it- very unlikely. However, it IS possible to get a barrel so dirty that the rifling appears to "disappear", and accuracy is terrible. The cure is a thorough and proper cleaning of the bore with a good bore solvent, a bronze brush and rod, and patience.

What are rifled cannon bores?

Cannon with a rifled bore. Rifling is the spiral grooves on the inside of the barrel to cause the projectile to spin. This improved stability in flight and help accuracy

What is a barrel bore?

The bore of a barrel is the inside of it.

What is a polygonal pistol barrel?

Most rifled firearms have a bore that is round, and has spiral grooves (the rifling) cut inside the bore. However, some guns (notably most Glock pistols) use a different system. The cross section of the bore is a polygon, with several flat surfaces. These surfaces twist in a spiral as you pass up the bore. It is claimed that produces a higher velocity than standard rifling, but it cannot be used with unjacketed lead bullets.

How do you check bore condition of a rifle?

Bore scope or bore light, after the weapon is unloaded an bolt remove/locked open. this answer is correct but there is an easier way, take the bolt out and look at the end, make sure there is no burnt, gouged or blistered metal on the end of the bolt (the end where the firing pin is ) if there is , this indicates an over pressure of the barrel, do not buy it! also look at the muzzle to make sure the hole is round with no chips or flat spots, (if present this can be fixed), look down the barrel , if the rifling is barley visible they are worn , and the easiest way to check the rifling is to take a bullet of the same caliber as the gun put the bullet into the end of the muzzle if the whole bullet lead slips into the muzzle end the rifling's are worn out, if the bullet does not go all the way in they are good, baring none of the other things listed are present. i would buy the weapon

Can you shoot a non-rifled slug through a smooth-bore barrel and maintain decent accuracy and grouping at 25 yards or more?

NOPE. with out rifling, be it barrel or slug itself, there would be no spin on the slug. You would have minimal accuracy.

What does the bore on a rifle indicate?

Bore is the inside diameter of the barrel. depending on the nation, it may be measured from the bottom on one groove to the bottom of the opposite groove, or from the top of one land to the top of the opposite land (raised part of the rifling). Measurements can be to one thousandth of an inch. Thus a rifle with a .308 bore is .308 thousandths of an inch wide inside the barrel.

How did blacksmiths make musket barrels?

A gunsmith would've made the barrel, and the rest of the parts required for the gun as well. For the most part a blacksmith made tools and farm equipment. A gunsmith typically would use a lathe to bore out the barrel once it had been made, which was a process in itself, dropforging onto a mandrel before small adjustments and some milling were done. Once the bore was complete many early gun barrels would be ready for the assembly of the gun. In most cases with a smooth-bore the lack of rifling negated the need for the lathe at all. In later years, (civil war era) a rifling breach was used to apply rifling to the inside of the barrel. This greatly improved accuracy and muzzle velocity.