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Solar energy is good for the planet because it is a clean way to produce things we need every day. It doesnt cause pollution because it is nature's own energy and is a 100% renewable resource.


That's a myth. The energy conversion is free and clean, but they represent considerable quantities of fuel in quarrying & processing the raw materials & making the panels, the transport chains, recovery when they are worn out, and so on. This is true in differing degree for all forms of electricity generation: the final operation may use a free and inexhaustible natural resource but the equipment itself does not! Just don't tell the politicians - they don't understand physics & engineering!

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Q: Why is solar energy good for the planet?
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Are solar panels bad or not?

They are good because they reduce energy to save the planet.

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well what affects solar energy i dont have a clue the question is what affects the amount of the solar energy that the planet receives.....

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Solar energy affects earth's weather in a couple of different ways. Solar energy warms the planet and creates the wind.

Is the moon a source of solar energy?

No, it is not source of any energy as it is a planet not a star.

How solar energy is critical to your lives?

Solar energy is roughly 1378 watts per meter coming on to our planet. Without this energy we would be a cold dead planet, with gravity.It is absolutely a much needed energy source.

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What year was solar energy invented?

The very minute the Earth was formed...Solar energy has been shaping the planet ever since...

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One surface type on Earth that helps absorb solar energy and keeps the planet warm is water. Another surface type that helps keep the planet warm by absorbing solar energy is vegetated land.

Where would solar energy be good alternative to using fossil fuels?

solar energy would be a good alternitive energy