

Why is space exploration not worth while?

Updated: 6/27/2024
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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A government department that returns at least $7 to the economy for each $1 spent, is a terrific investment. In other words, you don't "fix the budget" by killing the cash cow. How many poor people would there be today if NASA hadn't made computers a home appliance?

The question's hypothesis is debatable at best, and arguably false.

We've looked for the answers we need down here, for millennia. Its seems obvious they aren't here. But they may be up there.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 4w ago

Space exploration is worth it for several reasons, including the scientific discoveries that help us better understand our universe, the technological advancements that benefit society, and the potential for discovering new resources and habitats for humanity. Additionally, space exploration inspires curiosity and innovation in people of all ages.

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Is space exploration worth it?

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The space shuttle aids in space exploration in one very important way. It allows the explorers to move around in zero gravity. A space shuttle helps astronauts in space by providing oxygen and safety while entering, leaving and while in space. It also gives them the basic living materials such as food, water and toilets.

How does space shuttle aid in space exploration?

The space shuttle aids in space exploration in one very important way. It allows the explorers to move around in zero gravity. A space shuttle helps astronauts in space by providing oxygen and safety while entering, leaving and while in space. It also gives them the basic living materials such as food, water and toilets.

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Space Exploration Alliance was created in 2004.

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