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Q: Why is succession difficult to observe?
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You are most likely to observe primary succession in a terrestrial community when you visit?

You are most likely to observe primary succession in a terrestrial community on recently formed volcanic islands, sand dunes, or areas that have been cleared by glaciers or landslides. These areas lack soil and vegetation, so pioneer species must colonize the area first. Over time, as these pioneer species die and decompose, they begin to build up soil, allowing more complex plant species to establish and creating diverse communities.

Which characteristic of a landscape is most difficult to observe?

rate of erosion

What planet do scientists not observe as much as all the other planets?

Scientists do not observe Mercury as often because it is difficult to do so.

Which soil properties can you observe?

You can observe if the soil is clay, sand, or full of organic matter by the color. You can observe if the soil is compacted by how difficult it is to dig. You can observe if it has worms which is good because worms provide aeration and fertilizer. You can observe how wet the soil is.

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A substance always has properties even though they are difficult to observe?

Yes, all substances have inherent properties such as mass, volume, and density. These properties may not always be easily observable without specialized equipment or techniques.

How is Pluto difficult to find?

Pluto is difficult to observe from Earth because it is about 3.66 billion miles away, and only appears as a faint point of light.

Why would it be difficult for a space probe to observe eruptions in progress on moons and planets?

because of your mom

Can one scientist observe all of the stages of secondary succession on an abandoned field?

No, because it takes hundreds of years for a forest to form and a scientist cannot live that long, so no.

Why are leopards so difficult to observe in the wild?

one can not watch one that moves fast. endangered also.

What three technology that humans use to observe object that difficult to visit?

Telescopes, spectroscopes, space probes.

Why difficult to swallow saliva in rapid succession?

Swallowing saliva in rapid succession can be difficult because the swallowing reflex needs time to reset between each swallow. Trying to swallow too frequently without allowing this reflex to reset can lead to a sensation of throat irritation and discomfort. It is also not necessary to swallow saliva constantly, as our bodies are able to manage saliva production and release naturally.