

Why is sugar considered as a pure substance?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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because it consists of only one type of molecule and physically sugar can not be separated into two or more components.

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12y ago

Glucose is a compound - C6H12O6; it cannot be broken down by physical means.

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3y ago

Sugar or perhaps table sugar is made of two different molecule boned together. These molecules are glucose and fructose. While the two molecules are isomers, they are two different molecules.

Sugar (table sugar or sucrose) is made of two different molecules, therefore not a pure substance.

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Sugar is considered a pure substance because it is made up of only one type of molecule, sucrose. It does not contain any other substances mixed in, making it a homogeneous material with a consistent composition throughout.

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There are many types of sugar but, if you are describing one type of sugar and not a mixture of many sugars it would be a pure substance.

Why is sugar a substance?

Sugar is a pure substance because everything in a sample is alike: a molecule of sugar.

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A sugar is a pure substance. Sugar is the generic name for many compounds which are all pure substances. Fructose is a sugar. Glucose is a sugar. Lactose is a sugar. Glucose + Fructose --> Sucrose This is a chemical reaction between 2 sugars to make another, more complex sugar. This reaction if I remember correctly eliminates a water molecule as well as producing sucrose. The reaction occurs in certain plants and is done by an enzyme. Mixing fructose and glucose in a bowl will NOT form sucrose. Refer to the wikipedia article on sugar. It shows the molecular structure of sucrose. A substance cannot have a molecular structure if it is a mixture. It is a compound and compounds are pure substances.

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Pure sugar is a compound, which is a pure substance. If you dissolve sugar in water, you will have a homogeneous mixture, which is a solution.

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