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I think it is Pg-13 because of the battle scenes. I hope I don't give away anything but I saw a preview for it and Alice rips James's head off, so probably that is one of the reasons it is Pg-13. Also probably the Romance and the love scenes are another reason, again ona preview Bella was in her under garnments and was on a bed making out with Edward. Also peopple were talking about sex. (giggle) It's the fight scenes, Edward and Bella only kiss, they kiss on the bed for like a second, Edward is not strong enough for longer. ---- Its probably rated PG-13 because of the battle scene. Alice breaks James's neck and Edward rips of some of James's skin. And like the answer above, the love scene's. But also because James breaks Bella's leg.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It has some swear words in it. As said in the book, there are some kissing scenes. there isn't really any bad parts in the movie. i would know because i love the books very much.Plus there is violence in it kind of intense Id say....and I don't mind kissing scenes though

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Rated PG-13 for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images - all involving teens

I think they rated it PG-13 because they wanted a younger audience. If they would have rated it R, then kids wouldn't be able to see it. The book was young adult fiction so I'm sure many young people read the book and wanted to see the movie.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

usually for things like violence and mild language just 3 or 4 of the little things.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The reason why the The Hunger Games is rated PG-13 is for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images - all involving teens.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because of violence, sex, and blood!!!:)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Breaking Dawn has not been rated yet!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

For violence

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Q: Why is the movie 'the hunger games' rated PG-13?
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What is The Hunger Games movie going to be rated?

I assume something like pg13, but I'm not sure.

How old would you have to be to watch The Hunger Games?

The book is targeted towards young adults, so maybe 14 and up. I wouldn't recommend anyone younger due to violence.

When is the last Harry Potter movie in theaters?

'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' - Part 1 is rated PG13 which opens 19th November 2010 .

Is the avengers PG13?

Yes, The Avengers is rated PG-13.

Age rating for Lord of the Rings return of the king?

The 3rd movie is pg13 but because kids might think its scary the others are ph

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What is The Hunger Games movie rated?

The Hunger Games is rated PG-13 in the USA and 12A in the UK.

What is The Hunger Games movie going to be rated?

I assume something like pg13, but I'm not sure.

Why would The Hunger Games be rated PG13?

Um it has violence and more mature actions that maybe younger viewers can't see

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The movie is rated R.

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No, the filmmakers try to avoid most blood so the movie can be pg13. Glimmers death (a tribute) is a little disgusting.

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It will be rated PG13 for adventure and violence.

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No it's rated R

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No, it's rated R.

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No, its rated PG13.

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No it is rated PG