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Higher molecular weight, so needs more kinetic energy (higher temperature) to enter the gaseous phase.

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Q: Why is the bioling point of hexane greater than that of pentane?
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Which has the highest boiling point hexane or pentane?

Octane. The boiling point of straight-chain alkanes increases within its homologous series (meaning methane has a lower boiling point than ethane, which is lower than propane, etc). Hexane : Boiling Point 69 o C Octane : Boiling Point 125.5 o C

What type of bond is a pentane?

n-hexane is the unbranched alkane C6H14. All the bonds in the molecule are covalent. the bonds between the molecules are the weak London dispersive forces, n-hexane has a melting point of around -96 0C and a boiling point of around 68 0C.

What solid has a density of 0.82 g ml?

Hexane and Naptha are very close to 0.66 g/ml.

Should we able for measur bioling point of petrol?

no not really no not really

Is pentane a liquid at 40 degrees?

Yes, unless you mean 40oC. That is because the boiling point of pentane is 36.1oC (97oF). So above the boiling point temperature pentane would exist as a gas.

Why is the boiling point of butanone higher than pentane?

Butane is a smaller molecule, so the London Dispersion forces between molecules of butane hold the molecule together better than the London Dispersion forces of a hexane molecule. In short, it requires more energy to separate butane molecules from each other than hexane molecules.

Why does heptane have a higher boiling point than pentane?

The carbon skeleton of pentane contains 5 carbon atoms, the carbon skeleton of heptane contains 7 carbon atoms. The main reason for increased boiling point are London dispersion forces, these increase the with the number of electrons- so as heptane has more electrons its dispersion forces are greater and the boiling point is higher. Another contributory factor is the mass as the molecule of heptane is heavier and this means it takes more energy to get it to vaporise.

What is more volatile benzene or hexane?

The boiling point of benzene is about 80 0C while that of hexane is 69 0C, so Hexane is more volatile.

What is the temperature at which a substance changes from its liquid state to its gas state through bioling?

Its boiling point.

Which of the alkanes are liquids at room temperature?

Ethene, propene and butene. Ethene's boiling point is -104 Propene's " " " -48 But-1-ene " " " -6 Pentene being the alkene with the lowest number of carbons which is a liquid at room temperature (boiling point 30) So hot countries may count this as a gas!! Found on wiki, do some research and dont be lazy!!

Octane has a higher boiling point than pentane because?

Octane has a higher boiling point than pentane because octane has a larger number of carbon atoms than propane

Which alcohol has a boiling point closest to that of hexane?
