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Because its just at the correct distance from the sun. Its neither too close to the sun nor its too far away from the sun.

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Q: Why is the earth climate neither too hot nor too cold?
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It is a climate which is neither too hot nor too cold.

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It is a climate which is neither too hot nor too cold.

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It is more of warm, neither very hot or cold. It is much nicer than the east coast seas because they aren't frigid.

Is it cold or hot?

it is neither cold or hot in a tube of fight.

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earth is hot and cold

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It has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers.

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I'd say a hot climate

What is neither hot nor cold?

Room temperature water is neither hot nor cold.

How is living in a cold climate different from living in a hot climate?

Living in a cold climate usually means dealing with colder temperatures, snow, and shorter daylight hours, which can impact outdoor activities and mood. On the other hand, living in a hot climate involves high temperatures, humidity, and potential heat-related health risks, which may require using air conditioning and staying hydrated more frequently. Additionally, cold climates might require more layers of clothing and heating costs, while hot climates may lead to higher air conditioning bills and the need for sun protection.

What was the Lakota climate?

The climate in the Lakota which is in the Great Plains is that it was relatively cold and hot.

Why is the climate of most of Western Europe generally neither too hot or too cold?

Western Europe benefits from the moderating influence of the North Atlantic Current, which brings warm ocean currents that help regulate temperatures. The region is also influenced by westerly winds that help distribute heat evenly. Additionally, Western Europe is at a latitudinal location that is favorable for temperate climate conditions.