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This method is based on the principle of the difference in the wetting properties of the ore and the gangue particles with the water and oil.

This method is used for that metals whose ore gets preferably wetted by the oil and the gangue by the water. The sulphide ores preferably wetted by the oil and the gangue with the water. Hence this method is suitable for the concentration of the sulphide ore

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1w ago

Froth flotation is commonly used for the concentration of sulphide ores because it exploits the differences in surface properties of sulfide minerals and gangue minerals. The process involves adding special reagents that selectively bind to the sulfide minerals, allowing them to attach to air bubbles in a froth and be separated from the gangue material. This method is effective for separating valuable sulfide ores from unwanted gangue minerals.

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Q: Why is the froth flotation method selected for the concentration of sulphide ores?
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Why is froth flotation a gravity concentration method?

Froth flotation is not a gravity concentration method; it is actually a physicochemical separation process based on the differences in surface properties of particles. In froth flotation, particles are suspended in water and air bubbles are introduced. The particles with hydrophobic surfaces attach to the bubbles and are carried to the surface, forming a froth that is then skimmed off.

What is the laboratory method used to determine the concentration of an acid?

One common method to determine the concentration of an acid is titration. In an acid-base titration, a solution of known concentration (titrant) is added to the acid solution until the reaction is complete, as indicated by a color change with an indicator or a pH meter. The volume of titrant used is then used to calculate the concentration of the acid.

What is A method to determine the concentration of a substance in solution by adding a solution of known volume and concentration until the reaction is done?

The method you are referring to is called titration. Titration involves slowly adding a solution of known concentration (titrant) to a solution of unknown concentration (analyte) until the reaction is complete, allowing the determination of the analyte's concentration.

Is titration a qualitative or quantitative method?

Titration is a quantitative method used to determine the concentration of a substance in a sample. It involves slowly adding a reagent of known concentration to the solution being analyzed until a specific endpoint is reached, allowing for the calculation of the unknown concentration.

Differentiate absorption method from colorimetric method?

Absorption method measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample at a specific wavelength, and is used to quantify the concentration of a substance. Colorimetric method utilizes color changes to detect the presence or concentration of a substance, often involving a chemical reaction that produces a color change.

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Why is froth flotation a gravity concentration method?

Froth flotation is not a gravity concentration method; it is actually a physicochemical separation process based on the differences in surface properties of particles. In froth flotation, particles are suspended in water and air bubbles are introduced. The particles with hydrophobic surfaces attach to the bubbles and are carried to the surface, forming a froth that is then skimmed off.

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What is flotation in separating mixture?

In chemistry, the flotation method is used to separate substances that repel water and substances that is attracted to water. It has a variety of applications and is often used to extract mineral ores from its surroundings.

How is sulphide formed?

One method is a reaction between the elements. If the sulfide is insoluble it could be precipitated.

How is phosphorus obtained?

Phosphorus is obtained from phosphate deposits. Phosphate ore beneficiation methods have been continuously enriched in the development. The traditional beneficiation methods include: scrubbing and desliming process, gravity separation, flotation, gravity-magnetic-flotation combined process and roasting process. Scrubbing and desliming process: for ores with a high degree of weathering. Gravity separation: The proportion of main gangue minerals in phosphate rock is similar to that of apatite. In industrial practice, dense medium separation is mainly used. Flotation: Flotation has always been the main method for beneficiation of phosphate ore, especially for complex and difficult ores. Such as positive flotation, single reverse flotation, positive one negative (negative one positive) flotation, double reverse flotation. Roasting method: It is a fairly mature method used in industry to completely remove carbonate from phosphorite ore.

What method is used to prepare potassium chloride?

Crystallisation from solution, flotation, or electrostatic separation from suitable minerals.

What is the laboratory method used to determine the concentration of an acid?

One common method to determine the concentration of an acid is titration. In an acid-base titration, a solution of known concentration (titrant) is added to the acid solution until the reaction is complete, as indicated by a color change with an indicator or a pH meter. The volume of titrant used is then used to calculate the concentration of the acid.

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