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Simply because the Earth's crust acts like an insulator - trapping the heat from the core inside the core. Additionally - the inner and outer cores are mde of different materials.

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the pressure from all of Earth's layers keeps it in a solid state

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Because of the incredible pressure concentrated by gravity and the insulating power of the mass surrounding it.

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Q: Why is the incore of the earth hotter than the outer core?
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What are the 4 layer of earth?

Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core.

How many layers does the moon have?

3 cause there is a incore outer core and something else i forgot

What is hotter inner mantle or outer mantle?

the earths core is the hottest part of the earth. the metals in the earths outer core is liquid because of the heat and the metals in the earths core is solid but still the earths core is the hottest

Is the Earth's core hotter than the Earth's crust?

Yes, the Earth's core is much hotter than the Earth's crust. The temperature of the Earth's outer core ranges from 4400 to 6100 degrees Celsius, while the temperature at the Earth's crust varies from around 200 to 400 degrees Celsius.

Examples of the outer core?

The outer core is a layer of the Earth below the mantle and above the inner core. It is primarily composed of liquid iron and nickel. The outer core is responsible for generating the Earth's magnetic field through the movement of this liquid metal.

Is the core of the earth hotter than the core of the moon?

Yes, the core of the Earth is hotter than the core of the Moon. The Earth's core is composed of a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, with temperatures reaching up to 5700 degrees Celsius. In contrast, the Moon's core is thought to be solid and much cooler, with temperatures estimated to be around 1600 degrees Celsius.

Is it outer core or inner core?

Both really the inner core is more hotter than the outer core

What layer of Earth has a liquid and solid layer?

False. Earth's core has solid and liquid parts.

Would you expect the mantle to be hotter or cooler than the inner and outer cores?

The mantle is expected to be cooler than the inner core but hotter than the outer core. The inner core is the hottest layer of the Earth, while the outer core is composed of molten iron and nickel. The mantle, located between the crust and core, experiences convection currents due to heat from the core, making it warmer than the outer core but cooler than the inner core.

How is the mantle related to the outer core?

The outer core of the earth is considered to be a liquid. The mantle is considered solid rock, but could be as much as 5% molten. The outer core is mostly iron and nickel, meanwhile the mantle is mostly ultra mafic rock. The outer core is hotter and more dense than the mantle.

Is the earth's outer core solid?

No. Earth's outer core is liquid.

What is difference between earth's inner core and earth's outer core?

The inner core Is solid and the outer core in liquid