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The just development concept is appealing to NGOs because it emphasizes fairness, equity, and inclusivity in development efforts. NGOs are often focused on addressing social injustices and inequalities, making the just development approach aligned with their values and missions. By promoting just development, NGOs can work towards creating sustainable and positive social change that prioritizes the well-being of marginalized communities.

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When taking his lifespan psychology class Professor Sharma emphasizes that developmental changes occur throughout adulthood as well as childhood Professor Sharma is taking what approach to development?

Professor Sharma is likely taking a lifespan development approach, which emphasizes that developmental changes occur from infancy through old age. This approach considers how individuals continue to grow and change across all stages of life, not just in childhood.

How does gender affect personality development?

Gender can influence personality development through socialization processes, societal expectations, and cultural norms. Individuals may internalize specific gender roles and stereotypes that can shape their behaviors, interests, and self-concept. However, it is important to recognize that personality is also influenced by a wide range of factors beyond just gender.

How did Erik Erikson change psychoanalytic theory?

Erik Erikson expanded on Freud's psychoanalytic theory by incorporating social and cultural influences on human development. He introduced the concept of the "psychosocial stages of development," which emphasize the role of society in shaping an individual's identity and personality. Erikson also highlighted the importance of long-term psychosocial development throughout the lifespan, not just in childhood like Freud did.

What does PILES stand for when you talk of human development?

In terms of human growth and development, PILES (now PILESS) is an anagram for Physical, Intellectual, Lingual, Emotional, Social (and Spiritual) Development. By looking at an individual in terms of these areas, it becomes easier to observe and understand behaviours. As an extreme example, a physically small child might be introverted because of feeling overwhelmed in a large group situation, or it may be extroverted as a defense mechanism.

What the most perceptible of all the aspects of child development is?

It is difficult to pinpoint just one aspect as the most perceptible in child development, as development is a holistic process. However, cognitive development, which includes skills such as language acquisition, problem-solving, and memory, is often very noticeable as children grow and learn.

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A structured approach is just basically a safer and slower way to develop the system. if you think of system development as building a tower the structured approach is the using stronger materials.

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its just well, funny

When taking his lifespan psychology class Professor Sharma emphasizes that developmental changes occur throughout adulthood as well as childhood Professor Sharma is taking what approach to development?

Professor Sharma is likely taking a lifespan development approach, which emphasizes that developmental changes occur from infancy through old age. This approach considers how individuals continue to grow and change across all stages of life, not just in childhood.

How has the study of human development evolved?

The study of human development has evolved to include a more interdisciplinary approach, integrating biology, psychology, sociology, and other fields. There is also a greater focus on lifespan development, looking at changes and growth across the entire lifespan rather than just specific stages. Additionally, there is an increased emphasis on cultural diversity and how it shapes development.

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You can tell if you're appealing to the opposite sex by observing their body language, behavior, and verbal responses when interacting with you. Positive signs may include prolonged eye contact, engaged conversation, and physical touch. Remember that attraction is subjective, so what appeals to one person may not appeal to another.

How do you approach a Jew's?

Just be yourself.

I like him but he does not 'coz he actually likes some other girl what do i do?

Usually approach: Make yourself more appealing, and ask him out. Healthier approach: Think about why you like him, is it cause you like who he is, or just who you "think" he is? If the first scenario: hang out with him, and ask him out. If the latter: hang out with him, and get to know him better, if you end up liking him more, this process will also let him get to know you more. Or, remind yourself "there's other fish in the sea"

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just add herbs and spices to flavour it all, i can be quite boring with just vegetables

How can age influence the development of an individuals self-concept?

Age can influence the development of someones self concept because they may feel that they are too old and that they are vulnerable but also if someones is young they may not like it because people do not treat them like the age they are. for exampl a teenager could be treated like a little child and so can the elderle just because they are vulnerable and cannot do much things by themselves.

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Why does people like to eat?

People have to eat to survive. It just so happens that food can be appealing.

What is logical approach with drugs?

Just say no