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The length of the diverging section in a venturi meter is longer than the converging section to allow the flow to gradually return to its original pressure and velocity. This helps minimize energy losses and turbulence, ensuring accurate flow measurement. The design aims to maintain steady flow conditions for optimal performance of the venturi meter.

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Q: Why is the length of the diverging section in a venturi meter longer than the converging?
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What are diverging and converging lenses?

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Does a diverging lens have a focal length?

Yes, a diverging lens does have a focal length. The focal length of a diverging lens is negative, as the light rays diverge after passing through the lens.

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A magnifying glass is a converging lens because it is thicker in the middle than at the edges, causing light rays passing through it to converge. This convergence allows the lens to magnify and focus images.

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What is the sign of the focal length for a diverging lens?

The sign of the focal length for a diverging lens is negative. This indicates that the focal point is located behind the lens where the light rays appear to diverge.

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The function of the lens is to focus light onto the retina at the back of the eye. It adjusts its shape using ciliary muscles to help the eye see objects at different distances by changing its focal length.

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The lens with a focal length of 5 cm has greater power. Power is inversely proportional to focal length, so the shorter focal length lens will have a greater power.

What is converging length?

Converging lens refers to a type of lens that is thicker at the center than at the edges, causing light rays passing through it to converge to a focal point. This focal point is where the light rays intersect after passing through the lens, creating a real image.

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A real object placed beyond the focal length of a converging lens will produce a real image. This occurs when the object distance is greater than the focal length of the lens.

What happens to the path of light as it strikes a mirror and then a hand lens?

When light strikes a mirror, it undergoes reflection, bouncing off at the same angle it struck the mirror. When this reflected light then passes through a hand lens, it is refracted (bent) due to the curvature of the lens, converging or diverging based on the shape and focal length of the lens.