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The strength of a bar magnet comes from the way the electrons in the outer shell align. The length is less important that the material.

Most bar magnets are made from iron, a fairly inexpensive material. Other materials can produce far more powerful magnets but are far more expensive. As a result, they are only used for special purposes.

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No, physical length of a bar magnet is actual length of bar magnet while magnetic length is the distance between the north pole and south pole of a bar magnet.

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Q: Why is the magnetic length of a bar magnet less than the actual physical length of it?
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What causes a magnet to loose its magnetism?

high temperature, AC magnetic fields, mechanical shocks, and physical distortion.

What happens when metal filings are dropped on a sheet of paper that has a bar magnet beneath the paper?

A bar magnet creates an invisible magnetic field around it, and magnetic metals such as iron are attracted to the magnet. Any metal structure is then included in the magnetic field lines. For iron filings on the sheet of paper, they will group into clusters near the poles, and also form an oval pattern along the length of the magnet, representing the magnetic field lines. The field is bulged outward nearest the center of the magnet's length. This displays the approximate two-dimensional shape of the three-dimensional magnetic field. For a picture, see the related link.

How does rubbing a magnet along an iron nail create a temporary magnet?

No. It only needs to pass through a magnetic field to become magnetized. It does not need to come into physical contact with the magnet producing that field. This is because the process of magnetization has to do with electromagnetic induction rather than physical contact. You can perform a simple experiment at home to prove this point. You'll need a bar magnet, a paper clip, and a thin sheet of paper. Place the paper between the magnet and the clip. Rub the clip against the paper on top of the magnet, and observe that the clip will still become magnetized even though it is not in physical contact with the magnet.

What is a magnetic force?

A magnet creates a magnetic field, often mistakenly referred to as a magnetic force. The actual force felt by a charged particle in a magnetic field (or electric field) is called the Lorentz force.

Is actinium magnetic?

no actinium is not a magnet no actinium is not a magnet

Related questions

What is the magnetic length of a magnet?

The effective length of a magnet is the distance between the magnetic poles. It is always less than the geometric length of the magnet,though the actual relation between the two depends on the shape of the magnet.

What is geometric length in magnets?

Geometric length in magnets refers to the physical dimensions of the magnet, such as its length, width, and thickness. This measurement is important in determining the overall size and shape of the magnet, which can impact its magnetic properties and behavior.

Why magnetic lentgh is less than geometric length of magnet?

magnetic length refers to the length of magnet which is able to produce magnetic lines from it. since whole length is not able for that magnetic length is small than geometric one

What is the adjective for magnet?

The noun magnet has the related noun "magnetic." Both words can be used metaphorically, or to refer to actual magnets.

Is heating a bar magnet chemical or physical change?

Heating a bar magnet is a physical change because the magnet does not undergo a chemical reaction. The heat energy causes the atoms in the magnet to vibrate, which disrupts the alignment of the magnetic domains within the magnet, thereby reducing its magnetic strength.

Why can magnets attract objects without touching them?

Magnets create a magnetic field around them that can exert a force on other magnetic materials without physical contact. This force is the result of the alignment of magnetic domains in both the magnet and the object being attracted, causing them to be pulled together.

How can a magnet become demagnetized?

A magnet can become demagnetized by exposure to high temperatures, strong magnetic fields, or physical impacts that disrupt the alignment of its magnetic domains. These factors can cause the magnetic domains to lose alignment, weakening or eliminating the magnet's magnetic field.

Is a magnet magnetic?

Yes, a bar magnet is magnetic.

Is magnet magnetic?

Yes, a bar magnet is magnetic.

The magnetic force of a magnet is?

The magnetic force of a magnet is the force that a magnet exerts on another magnet or a magnetic material. It is responsible for attracting or repelling objects with magnetic properties. The strength of the magnetic force depends on the material and shape of the magnet.

Is making iron into a magnet a physical change?

Yes, making iron into a magnet is a physical change because the internal structure of the iron is altered without changing its chemical composition. By applying a magnetic field, the domains in the iron align to create a magnetic field, making it behave like a magnet.

What causes a magnet to loose its magnetism?

high temperature, AC magnetic fields, mechanical shocks, and physical distortion.