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The moon doesn't have an atmosphere and there any space matter will strike directly, where the earths atmosphere generally burns up space matter on entry. However, if you were on the moon and looked at the earth we are heavily pitted, think of the landscape near where you are

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Q: Why is the moon's surface heavily pitted and the earth is not?
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16.55% as strong on the surface.

Is the moons surface rocky?

yes it has canyons and mountains like earth

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The moon has plenty of gravity. In accordance with its mass and radius, any object weighs about 16.5% as much on the moon's surface as it does on the Earth's surface.

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The moon's gravity is essentially identical to 100% of the moon's gravity, and results in gravitational forces on its surface that average about 16% of the corresponding forces on the Earth's surface.

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the holes in the moons surface are where astroids hit the moons surface

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Uneven heating from the sun.

Can other planets have eclipses?

Yes. Jupiter, with its relatively huge moons, has solar eclipses on a daily basis. These can be seen from Earth; the moons' shadows are seen moving over Jupiter's surface. Well, Jupiter's visible part at any rate - it doesn't have a surface like Earth.Yes. Jupiter, with its relatively huge moons, has solar eclipses on a daily basis. These can be seen from Earth; the moons' shadows are seen moving over Jupiter's surface. Well, Jupiter's visible part at any rate - it doesn't have a surface like Earth.Yes. Jupiter, with its relatively huge moons, has solar eclipses on a daily basis. These can be seen from Earth; the moons' shadows are seen moving over Jupiter's surface. Well, Jupiter's visible part at any rate - it doesn't have a surface like Earth.Yes. Jupiter, with its relatively huge moons, has solar eclipses on a daily basis. These can be seen from Earth; the moons' shadows are seen moving over Jupiter's surface. Well, Jupiter's visible part at any rate - it doesn't have a surface like Earth.

When you are you closer to the Moon's surface or the earths core?

None, only the earths core is more closer, the moons surface is 37.000 Vertices from earth

Is there gravity on the moons surface?

1/6 th that of the Earth's because it is 6 times less massive

Do you see all of moons surface from earth?

No, due to it's orbit, the same side is always to us.