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Mouth contains 'Teeth'. There are different types of them.Incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Maxillary and Mandibular. Each is a architectural marvel and contains the hardest substance in body, the enamel. You have four muscles of mastication. Powerful Massetors and Temporal-is muscles for verticle pressure and two small muscles medial and lateralPterygoidfor side to side movement. (For Grinding of food.) Without proper mastication food will not be digested at all. As digestive enzymes will not come in contact with food. Mouth contains tongue with many intrinsic and extrinsic muscles to move the food towards the teeth. It has a tough mucosa derived from Ectoderm to deal with roughest type of food. That is why the mouth is considered as an organ of mechanical digestion.

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Q: Why is the mouth considered as 'mechanical digestion'?
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Is mouth mechanical or chemical digestion?

Saliva begins the chemical digestion of starch. It also is important for the success of mechanical digestion of the mouth, but does not, in its own, perform mechanical digestion.

Most mechanical digestion takes place where?

In the Mouth then the second is the Stomach

Mechanical digestion in the mouth what is it?

Mechanical digestion in the mouth is the process of chewing the food by the teeth with the help of saliva. The whole process taking place inside the mouth. The process is called "mastication."

Is mechanical digestion takes place in the mouth?

Yes. Mechanical digestion in the mouth is when you are chewing. There is also chemical digestion which is the enzymes in saliva that start to break up starches into simple sugars in saliva.

What organ does mechanical digestion occur in?

Stomach and Mouth

Chewing food in the mouth is an example of?

Mechanical digestion.

What two organs use both mechanical and chemical digestion?

Both the mouth and the stomach perform mechanical and chemical digestion.

What digetion is food putting into your mouth?

Mechanical Digestion If you meant what part of digestion, then the answer is ingestion

What are the Organs where mechanical digestion take place?

There is the small intestine, stomach, and the mouth, and that is all that i can think of. Hope this answer helps you people out there looking for three of the organs for mechanical digestion. But if not....... well that sucks for you.

Which type of digestion occurs in the mouth when an individual chews a piece of bread?

The type of digestion that chewing is referred to as is mechanical digestion.

Where does mechanical digestion take place at the most?

The mouth, by the teeth.

Where does most of the mechanical digestion take place?

in the mouth when you chew