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Jute and cotton are made from natural fibres unlike plastic bags which are based on petroleum products. So one advantage is less reliance on oil. Also, waste bags made from jute and cotton biodegrade much more quickly than the biodegradable plastic bags. However, in many areas in which cotton is growing, the high demand for water is causing problems with water supply and also serious soil degradation.

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Q: Why is the of jute and cotton bags being encourage these days?
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Why is the use of cotton and jute bags being encouraged these days?

Reusable shopping bags are preferred because plastic does not decompose within your lifetime, so it's building up and filling up all the garbage dumps.

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How many frost-free days are necessary for cotton to grow?

90 days

Why was the cotton club named the cotton club if there wasnt any candy involved?

because they was picking cotton back in the Harlem Renaissance days.

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Why should you buy organic cotton?

If you're sensitive to chemicals, organic cotton is a great choice, plus it's hypoallergenic. Because organic cotton is used in a lot of bedding these days, like sheets, it creates a non-toxic environment for people to sleep on, while also being better for the earth.

What is cotton harvesting period?

20 long days

Cotton production increased with the help of what?

In the 1800's, the cotton gin increased the production of cotton ten fold (a lot), as cotton became more valuable by the minute in those days.

Who picked the cotton on the plantation?

Back in the way back days, slaves did. HMMM! I was not a slave & I picked cotton on a Mississippi plantation!

Why is the plant grown in cotton dies after some days?

the water will get spoilt

What material was used when making clothes in the olden days?

cotton wool

When do you use a cotton blanket?

A cotton blanket is used on colder days due to its softness and insulating properties. The cotton traps a lot of heat due to its fluffiness, keeping the user warm.